Canadian discovery has near-term potential for patients suffering from deadly cancers


Researchers at Montreal-based Supratek Pharma Inc. have discovered a new drug target that is expected to be useful in the fight against many of the most dangerous types of cancer. Dr. Valery Alakhov, Chief Scientific Officer of the company, and his team have identified a new biological mechanism involved in the spread of cancer and the progression of the disease. They also demonstrated that blocking this process may prevent cancer from spreading.

"This is very exciting news in cancer research," says Dr. Francis Bellido, President of Supratek. "Ultimately, the cause of death for most cancer patients is metastasis, the spread of cancer from primary to distant sites. This is the first step towards developing drugs capable of halting this deadly process."

The research results were published in the May issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry. The article describes how a protein secreted by cancer cells, known as Metastasis Associated Protein, induces the formation of blood vessels that nourish cancer cells. This process is thought to play a major role in the spread of cancer.

Metastasis Associated Protein is associated with extremely aggressive forms of cancer of the breast, colon, rectum, bladder, lung, pancreas and stomach. Many advanced tumours over-express and secrete the protein which was suspected to be involved in cancer progression. It was not previously considered a target for drug discovery, because the mechanism underlying is effects was not understood.

"The protein has been studied for years, but its role in cancer progression eluded scientists until now," said Dr. Bellido. "Our research team has been working diligently to translate this new knowledge into new antimetastatic therapies."

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