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List of subjects in Gray's Anatomy: XI. Splanchnology

See also: Gray's Anatomy


the respiratory apparatus (Gray's s235)

Gray's page #1071
  • Apparatus Respiratorius; Respiratory system
  • Respiratory apparatus: development of:
  • laryngo-tracheal tube
  • lung buds
  • arytenoid swellings
  • furcula of His

the larynx (Gray's s236)

Gray's page #1072

Cartilages of the larynx (cartilagines laryngis)

Gray's page #1073
Gray's page #1074
  • Thyroid cartilage (cartilago thyreoidea)
    • intrathyroid cartilage
  • Cricoid cartilage (cartilago cricoidea)
    • posterior quadrate lamina (lamina cartilaginis cricoideæ; posterior portion)
    • arch (arcus cartilaginis cricoideæ; anterior portion)
Gray's page #1075
  • Arytenoid cartilages (cartilagines arytænoideæ)
    • colliculus
    • crista arcuata
  • Corniculate cartilages (cartilagines corniculatæ; cartilages of Santorini)
  • Cuneiform cartilages (cartilagines cuneiformes; cartilages of Wrisberg)
  • Epiglottis (cartilago epiglottica)
  • glossoepiglottic folds
  • valleculae


Gray's page #1076
  • Extrinsic Ligaments
    • Hyothyroid membrane (membrana hyothyreoidea; thyrohyoid membrane)
Gray's page #1077
  • Extrinsic Ligaments
    • middle hyothyroid ligament (ligamentum hyothyreoideum medium; middle thyrohyoid ligament)
    • Lateral hyothyroid ligament (ligamentum hyothyreoideum laterale; lateral thyrohyoid ligament)
    • hyoepiglottic ligament (ligamentum hyoepiglotticum)
    • Cricotracheal ligament (ligamentum cricotracheale)
  • Intrinsic Ligaments
    • elastic membrane of the larynx
Gray's page #1078
  • Intrinsic Ligaments
    • Conus elasticus (cricothyroid membrane)
    • anterior part or middle cricothyroid ligament (ligamentum cricothyreoideum medium; central part of cricothyroid membrane)
    • posterior cricoarytenoid ligament (ligamentum cricoarytenoideum posterius)
    • thyroepiglottic ligament (ligamentum thyreoepiglotticum)

Interior of the Larynx

Gray's page #1078
  • cavity of the larynx (cavum laryngis)
    • rima glottidis
    • vestibule of larynx
    • ventricles of the larynx
Gray's page #1079
  • entrance of the larynx
    • aryepiglottic fold
    • cuneiform tubercle
  • Ventricular folds (plicœ ventriculares; superior or false vocal cords)
    • ventricular ligament
  • Vocal folds (plicœ vocales; inferior or true vocal cords)
    • vocal ligaments (ligamenta vocales; inferior thyroarytenoid)
Gray's page #1080
  • Ventricle of the larynx (ventriculus laryngis [Morgagnii]; laryngeal sinus)
    • appendix of the laryngeal ventricle (appendix ventriculi laryngis; laryngeal saccule)
  • Rima glottidis


Gray's page #1081
  • Cricothyreoideus (Cricothyroid)
Gray's page #1082
  • Cricoarytænoideus posterior (posterior cricoarytenoid)
  • Cricoarytænoideus lateralis (lateral cricoarytenoid)
  • Arytænoideus
    • Arytænoideus obliquus
Gray's page #1083
  • Arytænoideus
    • Aryepiglotticus
    • Arytænoideus transversus
  • Thyreoarytænoideus (Thyroarytenoid)
    • Vocalis
    • Thyreoepiglotticus
    • Ventricularis


Gray's page #1084
  • arytenoid glands

the trachea and bronchi (Gray's s237)

Gray's page #1084
Gray's page #1085
  • Right bronchus (bronchus dexter)
  • eparterial branch
  • hyparterial branch
  • Left bronchus (bronchus sinister)
Gray's page #1086
  • cartilages of the trachea
Gray's page #1087
  • transverse fibers (Trachealis muscle)

the pleurae (Gray's s238)

Gray's page #1087
  • pleura - by layer
    • pulmonary pleura
    • parietal pleura
Gray's page #1088
  • pleura - by layer
  • pleura - by position
    • costal pleura
    • diaphragmatic pleura
    • cupula of the pleura (cervical pleura)
    • mediastinal pleura
  • Reflections of the Pleura
    • posterior mediastinum
    • pulmonary ligament
Gray's page #1089
  • Reflections of the Pleura
    • pericardial pleura
    • Sibson's fascia
    • phrenicocostal sinus
Gray's page #1090
  • Reflections of the Pleura
    • costomediastinal sinus
  • Pulmonary ligament (ligamentum pulmonale; ligamentum latum pulmonis)

the mediastinum (Gray's s239)

Gray's page #1090
Gray's page #1092
  • lower portion
    • Anterior mediastinum
    • Middle mediastinum
Gray's page #1093
  • lower portion
    • Posterior mediastinum

the lungs (Gray's s240)

Gray's page #1093
Gray's page #1094
  • Apex pulmonis
  • Basis pulmonis
  • Surfaces
    • costal surface (facies costalis; external or thoracic surface)
Gray's page #1095
  • Surfaces
    • mediastinal surface (facies mediastinalis; inner surface)
      • cardiac impression
      • hilum of lung
Gray's page #1096
  • Borders
    • inferior border of lung (margo inferior)
    • posterior border of lung (margo posterior)
    • anterior border of lung (margo anterior)
      • cardiac notch
  • Fissures and Lobes of the Lungs
    • left lung
      • superior lobe
      • inferior lobe
Gray's page #1097
  • Fissures and Lobes of the Lungs
  • Root of the lung (radix pulmonis)
  • Divisions of the Bronchi
    • right bronchus
    • eparterial bronchus
    • hyparterial bronchi
    • left bronchus
Gray's page #1098
  • Structure
    • intrapulmonary bronchi
    • lobular bronchioles
    • respiratory bronchioles
    • alveolar ducts
    • Atria of bronchi
    • alveolar sacs
    • alveoli or air sacs
Gray's page #1099
  • Structure
    • alveoli
Gray's page #1100

the digestive apparatus (Gray's s241)

Gray's page #1100
Gray's page #1101
  • Mouth
    • stomodeum
Gray's page #1102
  • Mouth
    • primary labial groove
    • secondary labial groove
    • lateral swellings
Gray's page #1103
Gray's page #1104
Gray's page #1106
Gray's page #1107
Gray's page #1108
  • Rectum and Anal canal
Gray's page #1109
  • The Rectum and Anal Canal
    • entodermal cloaca
    • cloacal membrane
    • ectodermal cloaca
    • urorectal septum
    • cloacal duct
Gray's page #1110
  • The Rectum and Anal Canal
    • proctodeum
    • anal membrane
    • post-anal gut

the mouth (Gray's s242)

Gray's page #1110
  • cavity of the mouth
  • vestibule (vestibulum oris)
  • rima
  • Mouth cavity proper (cavum oris proprium)
  • isthmus faucium
  • mucous membrane
Gray's page #1111
  • Lips (labia oris)
  • frenulum
  • Labial glands (glandulœ labiales)
Gray's page #1112

Teeth (dentes)

Gray's page #1112
Gray's page #1113
Gray's page #1114
  • General characteristics of teeth
    • crown
    • root
    • neck
    • surfaces of a tooth
      • buccal surface
      • lingual surface
      • surfaces of contact
    • dental arches
Gray's page #1115
  • Permanent teeth (dentes permanentes)
    • Incisors (dentes incisivi; incisive or cutting teeth)
Gray's page #1116
  • Permanent teeth (dentes permanentes)
    • Incisors (dentes incisivi; incisive or cutting teeth)
      • crown
      • basal ridge (Cingulum)
    • Canine teeth (dentes canini)
Gray's page #1117
Gray's page #1118
Gray's page #1119
  • Structure of the teeth
    • enamel
    • cement (crusta petrosa)
    • dentin (substantia eburnea; ivory)
    • dental canaliculi (dentinal tubules)
Gray's page #1120
  • Structure of the teeth
    • matrix (intertubular dentin)
      • incremental lines of Salter
      • interglobular spaces
      • granular layer
      • lines of Schreger
    • enamel (substantia adamantina)
      • enamel fibers or enamel prisms (prismata adamantina)
      • parallel striae (colored lines of Retzius)
    • crusta petrosa or cement (substantia ossea)
Gray's page #1122
Gray's page #1123
Gray's page #1124
  • Development of the deciduous teeth
    • Formation of the Cement
      • epithelial sheath
    • Formation of the Alveoli
      • gubernaculum dentis
  • Development of the Permanent teeth
    • successional permanent teeth
    • superadded permanent teeth

Tongue (lingua)

Gray's page #1125
  • Root (radix linguae base)
  • Apex (apex linguae tip)
  • Inferior Surface (facies inferior linguae under surface)
    • frenulum linguæ
    • plica fimbriata
  • Dorsum of the tongue (dorsum linguæ)
    • median sulcus
    • foramen cecum
    • sulcus terminalis
Gray's page #1126
  • Dorsum of the tongue (dorsum linguæ)
    • lingual tonsil
  • Papillae of the tongue
    • papillae vallatae (circumvallate papillae)
    • papillae fungiformes (fungiform papillae)
Gray's page #1127
Gray's page #1128
Gray's page #1129
  • Extrinsic muscles of tongue
    • Genioglossus (Geniohyoglossus)
    • Hyoglossus
Gray's page #1130
  • Extrinsic muscles of tongue
    • Chondroglossus
    • Styloglossus
  • intrinsic muscles of tongue
    • Longitudinalis linguæ superior (Superior lingualis)
    • Longitudinalis linguæ inferior (Inferior lingualis)
    • Transversus linguæ (Transverse lingualis)
Gray's page #1131
  • intrinsic muscles of tongue
    • Verticalis linguæ (Vertical lingualis)
  • Structure of the Tongue
    • mucous membrane (tunica mucosa linguae)
    • lingual tonsil
    • papillae
    • mucosa
    • corium
  • Glands of the tongue
    • mucous glands
    • serous glands
Gray's page #1132

Salivary glands

Gray's page #1132
Gray's page #1134
  • Parotid gland (glandula parotis)
    • accessory part (socia parotidis)
    • parotid duct (ductus parotideus; Stensen's duct)
Gray's page #1135
  • Submaxillary gland (glandula submaxillaris)
    • submaxillary duct (ductus submaxillaris; Wharton's duct)
Gray's page #1136
  • Sublingual gland (glandula sublingualis)
    • smaller sublingual ducts (ducts of Rivinus)
    • plica sublingualis
    • larger sublingual duct (duct of Bartholin)
  • Structure of the Salivary Glands
    • mucous alveoli
    • crescents of Gianuzzi
    • demilunes of Heidenhain
    • serous alveoli
Gray's page #1137
  • Structure of the Salivary Glands
    • Langley's ganglion
  • accessory glands

the fauces (Gray's s243)

Gray's page #1137
  • isthmus faucium
  • glossopalatine arch (arcus glossopalatinus; anterior pillar of fauces)
  • pharyngopalatine arch (arcus pharyngopalatinus; posterior pillar of fauces)
  • Palatine tonsils (tonsillae palatinae tonsil)
Gray's page #1138
  • Palatine tonsils (tonsillae palatinae tonsil)
    • supratonsillar fossa
    • plica semilunaris
    • plica triangularis
    • tonsillar sinus
    • medial surface of the tonsil
    • lateral or deep surface of the tonsil
    • lingual tonsil
Gray's page #1139
  • palatine aponeurosis
  • Muscles of the palate
    • Levator veli palatini (Levator palati)
    • Tensor veli palatini (Tensor palati)
    • Musculus uvulae (Azygos uvulae)
    • Glossopalatinus (Palatoglossus)
    • Pharyngopalatinus (Palatopharyngeus)
Gray's page #1140
  • Muscles of the palate
    • Pharyngopalatinus (Palatopharyngeus)
      • posterior fasciculus
      • anterior fasciculus
Gray's page #1141
  • mucous membrane of the soft palate

the pharynx (Gray's s244)

Gray's page #1141
  • pharynx
  • pharyngeal recess (fossa of Rosenmüller)
  • Nasal part of the pharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis; nasopharynx)
    • pharyngeal ostium of the auditory tube
    • torus or cushion
Gray's page #1142
  • Nasal part of the pharynx (pars nasalis pharyngis; nasopharynx)
    • salpingopharyngeal fold
    • salpingopalatine fold
    • pharyngeal recess (fossa of Rosenmüller)
    • pharyngeal tonsil
    • pharyngeal bursa
  • Oral part of the pharynx (pars oralis pharyngis)
  • Laryngeal part of the pharynx (pars laryngea pharyngis)
    • sinus piriformis
  • Muscles of the pharynx
    • Constrictor pharyngis inferior (Inferior constrictor)
Gray's page #1143
  • Muscles of the pharynx
    • Constrictor pharyngis medius (Middle constrictor)
    • Constrictor pharyngis superior (Superior constrictor)
      • sinus of Morgagni
    • Stylopharyngeus
    • Salpingopharyngeus
  • Structure
    • pharyngeal aponeurosis, or fibrous coat
    • mucous coat

the esophagus (Gray's s245)

Gray's page #1144
Gray's page #1145
  • Relations
    • cervical portion of the esophagus
    • thoracic portion of the esophagus
Gray's page #1146
  • Relations
  • Structure
    • muscular coat (tunica muscularis)
    • areolar or submucous coat (tela submucosa)
    • mucous coat (tunica mucosa)
      • muscularis mucosae
  • esophageal glands (glandulae aesophageæ)

the abdomen (Gray's s246)

Gray's page #1147
  • abdomen
  • diaphragm of the pelvis
  • abdomen proper
  • Apertures in the Walls of the Abdomen
    • umbilical
    • vena caval opening
    • aortic hiatus
    • esophageal hiatus
  • Regions of the abdomen
    • Transpyloric plane
    • intertubercular plane
Gray's page #1148
  • Regions of the abdomen
    • hypogastric zones
Gray's page #1149
Gray's page #1150

Main peritoneal cavity (greater sac)

Gray's page #1150
  • Vertical Disposition of the Main peritoneal cavity (greater sac)
    • ligamentum teres (obliterated umbilical vein)
    • falciform ligament of the liver
    • superior layer of the coronary ligament
    • superior layer of the left triangular ligament
    • inferior layer of the coronary ligament
    • hepatorenal ligament
    • bare area of the liver
Gray's page #1151
Gray's page #1152

Omental bursa (lesser peritoneal sac)

Gray's page #1152
Gray's page #1153

Horizontal Disposition of the Peritoneum

Gray's page #1154
  • Horizontal Disposition of the Peritoneum
    • In the Pelvis
      • sigmoid mesocolon
      • pararectal fossa
      • rectovesical or sacrogenital folds
      • paravesical fossa
      • plica vesicalis transversa
      • torus uterinus
      • ovarian fossa
Gray's page #1155
Gray's page #1156
  • epiploic foramen (foramen epiploicum; foramen of Winslow)
  • omental bursa
    • vestibule
    • gastropancreatic fold
    • superior omental recess
    • lienal recess
    • inferior omental recess
  • omenta
    • lesser omentum (omentum minus; small omentum; gastrohepatic omentum)
Gray's page #1157
  • omenta
    • lesser omentum (omentum minus; small omentum; gastrohepatic omentum)
      • hepatogastric ligament
      • hepatoduodenal ligament
      • fibrous capsule (Glisson’s capsule)
    • greater omentum (omentum majus; great omentum; gastrocolic omentum)
  • mesenteries
    • mesentery proper (mesenterium)
      • root of the mesentery
    • transverse mesocolon (mesocolon transversum)
    • sigmoid mesocolon (mesocolon sigmoideum)
Gray's page #1158
  • phrenicocolic ligament
  • sustentaculum lienis
  • appendices epiploicæ

Peritoneal recesses or Fossæ (retroperitoneal fossæ)

Gray's page #1158
  • Peritoneal recesses or Fossæ (retroperitoneal fossæ)
Gray's page #1159
  • Peritoneal recesses or Fossæ (retroperitoneal fossæ)
    • Duodenal fossæ
      • inferior duodenal fossa
      • duodenomesocolic fold
      • superior duodenal fossa
      • duodenojejunal fold
      • duodenojejunal fossa
Gray's page #1160
  • Peritoneal recesses or Fossæ (retroperitoneal fossæ)
    • Cecal fossæ (pericecal folds or fossæ)
      • superior ileocecal fossa
      • inferior ileocecal fossa
      • ileocecal fold of peritoneum (bloodless fold of Treves)
      • cecal fossa
Gray's page #1161
  • Peritoneal recesses or Fossæ (retroperitoneal fossæ)
    • Cecal fossæ (pericecal folds or fossæ)
      • retrocecal fossæ
    • intersigmoid fossa (recessus intersigmoideus)

the stomach (Gray's s247)

Gray's page #1161
Gray's page #1162
  • Openings
    • cardiac orifice
      • incisura cardiaca
    • pyloric orifice
      • duodenopyloric constriction
  • Curvatures
    • lesser curvature (curvatura ventriculi minor)
      • incisura angularis
    • greater curvature (curvatura ventriculi major)
      • pyloric part
      • sulcus intermedius
      • pyloric antrum
  • Surfaces
    • Antero-superior surface
    • Postero-inferior surface
      • stomach bed
      • gastrophrenic ligament
Gray's page #1163
  • Component Parts of the Stomach
    • pyloric portion
    • fundus
    • pyloric antrum
Gray's page #1164
  • Component Parts of the Stomach
  • Structure (layers)
    • serous coat (tunica serosa)
    • muscular coat (tunica muscularis)
    • longitudinal fibers (stratum longitudinale)
Gray's page #1165
  • Structure (layers)
    • circular fibers (stratum circulare)
Gray's page #1166
  • Structure (layers)
    • oblique fibers (fibræ obliquæ)
    • areolar or submucous coat (tela submucosa)
    • mucous membrane (tunica mucosa)
  • Gastric glands
    • pyloric glands
    • cardiac glands
    • fundus glands
Gray's page #1167
  • Gastric glands
    • chief cells or central cells
    • parietal cells or oxyntic cells
    • lenticular glands

the small intestine (Gray's s248)

Gray's page #1168
Gray's page #1169
  • Duodenum
    • superior portion (pars superior; first portion)
    • descending portion (pars descendens; second portion)
Gray's page #1170
  • Duodenum
    • horizontal portion (pars horizontalis; third or preaortic or transverse portion)
    • ascending portion (pars ascendens; fourth portion)
      • duodenojejunal flexure
  • Jejunum (intestinum jejunum)
    • circular folds (valvulæ conniventes)
Gray's page #1171
Gray's page #1172
Gray's page #1173
  • structures of the small intestines
    • circular folds (plicæ circulares [Kerkringi]; valvulæ conniventes; valves of Kerkring)
Gray's page #1174
  • structures of the small intestines
    • intestinal villi (villi intestinales)
    • intestinal glands (glandulæ intestinales; crypts of Lieberkühn)
Gray's page #1176
  • structures of the small intestines
    • duodenal glands (glandulæ duodenales; Brunner's glands)
    • solitary lymphatic nodules (noduli lymphatici solitarii; solitary glands)
    • aggregated lymphatic nodules (noduli lymphatici aggregati; Peyer's patches; Peyer's glands; agminated follicles; tonsillæ intestinales)
Gray's page #1177
  • nerves of the small intestines
    • myenteric plexus (Auerbach's plexus)
    • plexus of the submucosa (Meissner's plexus)

the large intestine (Gray's s249)

Gray's page #1177
  • large intestine (Intestinum Crassum)
  • Cecum (intestinum cæcum)
    • caput cæcum coli
Gray's page #1178
Gray's page #1179
Gray's page #1180
  • Colon
  • Ascending colon (colon ascendens)
    • colic impression
    • right colic flexure or hepatic flexure
  • Transverse colon (colon transversum)
    • left colic flexure or splenic flexure
Gray's page #1181
  • Transverse colon (colon transversum)
    • transverse mesocolon
    • left colic or splenic flexure
    • phrenicocolic ligament
  • Descending colon (colon descendens)
Gray's page #1182
  • Descending colon (colon descendens)
    • Iliac colon
  • Sigmoid colon (colon sigmoideum; pelvic colon; sigmoid flexure)
    • sigmoid mesocolon
Gray's page #1183
  • Rectum (intestinum rectum)
    • rectal ampulla
    • Houston's valves
Gray's page #1184
  • Anal canal (pars analis recti)
Gray's page #1185
  • Anal canal (pars analis recti)
    • anococcygeal body
    • perineal body
    • rectal columns
    • rectal sinuses
    • anal valves
  • Structure of the colon
Gray's page #1186
Gray's page #1187

the liver (Gray's s250)

Gray's page #1188

Surfaces of liver

Gray's page #1189
  • superior surface (facies superior)
  • inferior surface (facies inferior; visceral surface)
    • gastric impression
    • tuber omentale
    • quadrate lobe
    • colic impression
    • renal impression
Gray's page #1190
  • inferior surface (facies inferior; visceral surface)
    • duodenal impression
    • caudate process
  • posterior surface (facies posterior)
Gray's page #1191
  • posterior surface (facies posterior)
    • suprarenal impression
    • caudate lobe
    • caudate process
    • papillary process
  • anterior border (margo anterior)
    • umbilical notch
    • left extremity of the liver


Gray's page #1191
  • left sagittal fossa (fossa sagittalis sinistra; longitudinal fissure)
  • fossa for the umbilical vein
  • pons hepatis
  • fossa for the ductus venosus
  • ligamentum venosum
  • porta or transverse fissure (porta hepatis)
  • fossa for the gall-bladder (fossa vesicæ felleæ)
  • fossa for the inferior vena cava (fossa venæ cavæ)


Gray's page #1191
  • right lobe (lobus hepatis dexter)
Gray's page #1192
  • quadrate lobe (lobus quadratus)
  • caudate lobe (lobus caudatus; Spigelian lobe)
  • caudate process
  • left lobe (lobus hepatis sinister)


Gray's page #1192
  • falciform ligament (ligamentum falciforme hepatis)
  • coronary ligament (ligamentum coronarium hepatis)
  • hepatorenal ligament
  • right triangular ligament (ligamentum triangulare dextrum)
Gray's page #1193
  • left triangular ligament (ligamentum triangulare sinistrum)
  • round ligament (ligamentum teres hepatis)
  • septum transversum

Development of liver

Gray's page #1193
  • hepatic cylinders
  • sinusoids

Vessels and Nerves

Gray's page #1194
  • hepatic artery
  • portal vein
  • fibrous capsule of Glisson
  • hepatic veins
  • lymphatic vessels

Structure of the Liver

Gray's page #1195
  • serous coat (tunica serosa)
  • fibrous coat (capsula fibrosa; areolar coat)
  • lobules (lobuli hepatis)
  • interlobular plexus

Microscopic Appearance

Gray's page #1196
  • intralobular vein
  • sublobular veins
  • hepatic artery
  • vaginal branches
  • capsular branches
  • interlobular branches
  • portal vein
  • interlobular plexus
Gray's page #1197
  • intralobular vein
  • sublobular vein
  • bile ducts
  • intercellular biliary passages (bile capillaries)

Excretory Apparatus of the Liver

Gray's page #1197
  • hepatic duct (ductus hepaticus)
  • gallbladder (vesica fellea)
    • fundus
Gray's page #1198
  • gallbladder (vesica fellea)
    • Structure of gallbladder
      • external or serous coat (tunica serosa vesicæ felleæ)
      • fibromuscular coat (tunica muscularis vesicæ felleæ)
      • internal or mucous coat (tunica mucosa vesicæ felleæ)
  • Cystic duct (ductus cysticus)
  • Common bile duct (ductus choledochus)
Gray's page #1199

the pancreas (Gray's s251)

Gray's page #1199
Gray's page #1200
  • Relations
  • Head of pancreas
    • uncinate process
Gray's page #1201
  • Head of pancreas
    • Anterior surface of pancreas
    • Posterior surface of pancreas
  • Neck of pancreas
  • Body of pancreas (corpus pancreatis)
    • anterior surface of pancreas (facies anterior)
      • tuber omentale
    • posterior surface of pancreas (facies posterior)
    • inferior surface of pancreas (facies inferior)
    • superior border (margo superior)
    • anterior border (margo anterior)
    • inferior border (margo inferior)
  • Tail of pancreas (cauda pancreatis)
Gray's page #1202
  • Pancreatic duct (ductus pancreaticus; duct of Wirsung)
    • accessory pancreatic duct (duct of Santorini)
  • Development
Gray's page #1203
  • Development
    • accessory pancreatic duct
    • pancreatic duct
  • Structure
Gray's page #1204
  • Structure
  • Vessels and Nerves

the urogenital apparatus

development of the urinary and generative organs (Gray's s252)

Gray's page #1204
Gray's page #1205
  • The Mesonephros, Müllerian Duct, and Genital Gland
Gray's page #1206
Gray's page #1207
  • Müllerian ducts
    • genital cord
    • Müllerian eminence
    • appendices testis (hydatids of Morgagni)
  • Genital glands
    • genital ridge
    • mesorchium or mesovarium
  • Ovary
    • germinal epithelium
    • primitive ova
    • genital cords
Gray's page #1210
  • Testis
  • Descent of the Testes
    • mesorchium
    • inguinal fold
    • inguinal crest
Gray's page #1211
  • Descent of the Testes
    • gubernaculum testis
    • plica vascularis
    • plica gubernatrix
    • saccus vaginalis
    • tunica vaginalis
  • Descent of the Ovaries
    • canal of Nuck
  • The Metanephros and the Permanent Kidney
  • Metanephros
Gray's page #1212
Gray's page #1213
Gray's page #1214
  • External organs of generation
    • genital swellings
    • corpora cavernosa
Gray's page #1215
  • External organs of generation
    • prepuce

the urinary organs

the kidneys (Gray's s253)

Gray's page #1215
  • Relations
    • anterior surface (facies anterior)
Gray's page #1217
  • Relations
    • Posterior surface (facies posterior)
Gray's page #1218
  • Borders
  • lateral border (margo lateralis; external border)
Gray's page #1219
  • Borders
  • medial border (margo medialis; internal border)
    • hilum
  • Extremities
    • superior extremity (extremitas superior)
    • inferior extremity (extremitas inferior)
Gray's page #1220
  • Fixation of the Kidney
    • adipose capsule (Renal capsule)
    • renal fascia
    • paranephric body
Gray's page #1221
  • General Structure of the Kidney
    • renal sinus
    • renal calyces
    • renal pelvis
    • medullary substance (substantia medullaris) (Renal medulla)
    • renal pyramids
    • cortical substance (substantia corticalis) (Renal cortex)
    • renal columns
    • cortical arches
  • Minute Anatomy
    • renal tubules
    • renal corpuscles
    • glomerulus
    • afferent vessel
    • efferent vessel
Gray's page #1222
Gray's page #1223
  • The Renal Bloodvessels
    • inferior renal artery
    • arteriae propriae renales
    • interlobular arteries
    • end-arteries
Gray's page #1224
  • The Renal Bloodvessels
    • arteriæ rectæ (vasa recta)
    • venae stellatae
    • interlobular veins
Gray's page #1225
  • The Renal Bloodvessels
    • venae rectae
    • venae propriae renales
    • renal vein
    • lymphatics

the ureters (Gray's s254)

Gray's page #1225
Gray's page #1226
  • Ureter proper
  • abdominal part (pars abdominalis)
  • pelvic part (pars pelvina)
  • ovarian fossa
Gray's page #1227
  • Structure
    • fibrous coat (tunica adventitia)
    • muscular coat (tunica muscularis)
    • mucous coat (tunica mucosa)

the urinary bladder (Gray's s255)

Gray's page #1227
  • urinary bladder
  • Empty bladder
    • fundus
    • vertex
    • superior surface
    • paravesical fossa
Gray's page #1228
  • Empty bladder
    • inferior surface
    • retropubic pad
  • Distended bladder
Gray's page #1229
  • Distended bladder
    • postero-superior surface
    • antero-inferior surface
    • fundus
    • summit
  • Bladder in the Child
Gray's page #1230
  • Female bladder
Gray's page #1231
  • Ligaments
    • Pubovesicales
    • Rectovesicales
    • middle umbilical ligament
    • false ligaments of the bladder
    • middle umbilical fold
    • lateral umbilical folds
  • Interior of the Bladder
Gray's page #1232
  • Interior of the Bladder
    • torus uretericus
    • plicæ uretericæ
    • orifices of the ureters
    • internal urethral orifice
    • uvula vesicae
  • Structure of the Bladder
    • serous coat (tunica serosa)
    • muscular coat (tunica muscularis)
Gray's page #1233
  • Structure of the Bladder
    • muscular coat (tunica muscularis)
    • submucous coat (tela submucosa)
    • mucous coat (tunica mucosa)

the male urethra (Gray's s256)

Gray's page #1234
  • male urethra
  • prostatic portion (pars prostatica)
    • urethral crest
    • prostatic sinus
    • orifices of the prostatic ducts
    • colliculus seminalis
    • prostatic utricle (sinus pocularis)
Gray's page #1235
  • prostatic portion (pars prostatica)
    • uterus masculinus
  • membranous portion (pars membranacea)
  • cavernous portion (pars cavernosa; penile or spongy portion)
    • fossa navicularis urethrae
  • external urethral orifice (orificium urethrae externum; meatus urinarius)
  • lining membrane of the urethra
  • Structure
    • mucous coat
    • submucous tissue
  • Congenital defects

the female urethra (Gray's s257)

Gray's page #1236

the male genital organs

the testes and their coverings (Gray's s258)

Gray's page #1236
Gray's page #1237
Gray's page #1238
  • Scrotum
  • Intercrural fascia (intercolumnar or external spermatic fascia)
  • Cremaster
Gray's page #1239
  • Infundibuliform fascia (tunica vaginalis communis)
  • Tunica vaginalis
  • Inguinal canal (canalis inguinalis)
  • Spermatic cord (funiculus spermaticus)
    • internal spermatic artery
Gray's page #1240
    • external spermatic artery
    • artery of the ductus deferens
  • Spermatic cord (funiculus spermaticus)
    • spermatic veins
    • plexus pampiniformis
  • Testes
Gray's page #1242
  • epididymis
    • duct of the testis
    • sinus of the epididymis (digital fossa)
  • Appendages of the Testis and Epididymis
    • appendix of the testis (hydatid of Morgagni)
    • appendix of the epididymis (pedunculated hydatid)
  • tunics
    • Tunica vaginalis (tunica vaginalis propria testis)
      • visceral lamina (lamina visceralis)
      • parietal lamina (lamina parietalis)
    • Tunica albuginea
Gray's page #1243
Gray's page #1244
  • Structure
    • tubuli recti
    • rete testis
    • ductuli efferentes
    • coni vasculosi

the ductus deferens (Gray's s259)

Gray's page #1245
  • ductus deferens
Gray's page #1246
  • ampulla of ductus deferens
  • Ductuli aberrantes
    • ductulus aberrans inferior (vas aberrans of Haller)
    • ductulus aberrans superior
  • Paradidymis (organ of Giraldés)

the vesiculæ seminales (Gray's s260)

  • Excretory duct of seminal gland

the ejaculatory ducts (Gray's s261)

Gray's page #1246
Gray's page #1247
  • ejaculatory ducts

the penis (Gray's s262)

Gray's page #1247
  • Penis
Gray's page #1248
  • Corpora cavernosa penis
    • crura
    • bulb of the corpus cavernosum penis
    • septum of the penis
    • septum pectiniforme
  • Corpus cavernosum urethræ (corpus spongiosum)
Gray's page #1249
  • Corpus cavernosum urethræ (corpus spongiosum)
    • corona glandis
    • retroglandular sulcus
  • root (radix penis)
    • fundiform ligament
    • suspensory ligament
  • body (corpus penis)
Gray's page #1250
  • extremity
  • integument
  • Structure of the Penis
    • trabeculae
      • trabeculae of corpora cavernosa of penis
      • trabeculae of corpus spongiosum of penis (listed as corpus cavernosum urethrae)
Gray's page #1251
  • Vessels and Nerves
    • helicine arteries

the prostate (Gray's s263)

Gray's page #1251
Gray's page #1252
  • base (basis prostatae)
  • apex (apex prostatae)
  • Surfaces
    • posterior surface (facies posterior)
    • anterior surface (facies anterior)
    • lateral surfaces
Gray's page #1253
    • Levatores prostatae
  • Vessels and Nerves

the bulbourethral glands (Gray's s264)

Gray's page #1253

the female genital organs (Gray's s265)

Gray's page #1254

the ovaries (Gray's s266)

Gray's page #1254
  • ovaries
  • ovarian fossa
  • suspensory ligament of the ovary
  • ligament of the ovary
Gray's page #1255
  • mesovarium
  • Epoöphoron (parovarium; organ of Rosenmüller)
    • ductuli transversi
    • ductus longitudinalis epoöphori (duct of Gärtner)
  • Paroöphoron
  • Structure
    • germinal epithelium of Waldeyer
Gray's page #1256
  • Structure
    • stroma
    • tunica albuginea
  • Discharge of the Ovum
  • Vessels and Nerves
    • pampiniform plexus

the uterine tube (Gray's s267)

Gray's page #1257
  • Tuba uterina; Fallopian tube; Oviduct
  • uterine tubes
  • isthmus
  • ampulla
  • infundibulum
  • abdominal ostium
  • fimbriae
  • ovarian fimbria
  • appendices vesiculosae (hydatids of Morgagni)

the uterus (Gray's s268)

Gray's page #1258
Gray's page #1259
  • internal orifice of the uterus
  • Body (corpus uteri)
    • vesical or anterior surface (facies vesicalis)
    • intestinal or posterior surface (facies intestinalis)
    • fundus (fundus uteri)
    • lateral margins (margo lateralis)
      • broad ligament
  • Cervix (cervix uteri; neck)
    • supravaginal portion (portio supravaginalis cervicis)
      • parametrium
Gray's page #1260
  • Cervix (cervix uteri; neck)
    • vaginal portion (portio vaginalis cervicis)
      • external orifice of the uterus
  • Interior of the Uterus
    • Cavity of the body (cavum uteri)
    • Canal of the cervix (canalis cervicis uteri)
      • palmate folds
      • arbor vitae uterina
  • ligaments of the uterus
    • anterior ligament
    • posterior ligament
    • two lateral or broad ligaments (ligamentum latum uteri)
Gray's page #1261
  • ligaments of the uterus
    • two lateral or broad ligaments (ligamentum latum uteri)
      • mesosalpinx
      • infundibulopelvic ligament
    • round ligaments (ligamentum teres uteri)
      • canal of Nuck
    • ligamentum transversalis colli
Gray's page #1262
  • structure of uterus
Gray's page #1263
  • nerves of uterus

the vagina (Gray's s269)

Gray's page #1264
  • vagina
  • posterior fornix
  • columns of the vagina
  • Bulbocavernosus
  • erectile tissue

the external genital organs (Gray's s270)

Gray's page #1264
Gray's page #1265
  • Mons pubis (commissura labiorum anterior; mons Veneris)
  • Labia majora (labia majora pudendi)
    • pudendal cleft or rima
    • anterior labial commissure
    • posterior labial commissure
    • perineum
  • Labia minora (labia minora pudendi; nymphæ)
    • frenulum of the labia or fourchette
Gray's page #1266
  • Labia minora (labia minora pudendi; nymphæ)
    • preputium clitoridis
    • frenulum of the clitoris
  • Clitoris
    • free extremity (glans clitoridis)
  • Vestibule (vestibulum vaginæ)
    • vestibule of the vagina (vestibulum vaginæ)
    • external urethral orifice (orificium urethræ externum; urinary meatus)
    • vaginal orifice
    • hymen
    • imperforate hymen
    • carunculae hymenales
    • navicular fossa

the mammæ (Gray's s271)

Gray's page #1267
  • Mammary gland; Breasts
  • mammæ
  • Mammary papilla or Nipple (papilla mammæ)
  • areola
  • areolar glands
Gray's page #1268

the ductless glands

the thyroid gland (Gray's s272)

Gray's page #1269
  • Thyroid gland (Glandula Thyreiodea; Thyroid body)
  • lobes of thyroid gland (lobuli gl. thyreoideæ)
Gray's page #1270
  • thyroid isthmus (isthmus gl. thyreoidea)
  • pyramidal lobe
  • Levator glandulæ thyreoideæ
  • accessory thyroid glands (glandulæ thyreoideæ accessoriæ)
  • thyroglossal duct

the parathyroid glands (Gray's s273)

Gray's page #1271
Gray's page #1272
  • ultimo-branchial bodies

the thymus (Gray's s274)

Gray's page #1273
Gray's page #1274
  • corpuscles of Hassall

the hypophysis cerebri (Gray's s275)

Gray's page #1275
Gray's page #1276
Gray's page #1277
  • pouch of Rathke
  • craniopharyngeal canal

the pineal body (Gray's s276)

Gray's page #1277

the chromaphil and cortical systems (Gray's s277)

Gray's page #1277
  • Chromaphil or chromaffin cells
Gray's page #1278
  • paraganglia
  • aortic glands or aortic bodies
  • Development
  • Relations
    • right suprarenal
    • hilum
Gray's page #1279
  • Relations
    • left suprarenal
    • accessory suprarenals (glandulæ suprarenales accessoriæ)
Gray's page #1280
Gray's page #1281
  • Glomus caroticum (Carotid glands; Carotid bodies)
  • Glomus coccygeum (Coccygeal gland or Body; Luschka's gland)

the spleen (Gray's s278)

Gray's page #1282
  • spleen (lien)
  • Relations
    • diaphragmatic surface (facies diaphragmatica; external or phrenic surface)
    • visceral surface
    • gastric surface (facies gastrica)
      • hilum
Gray's page #1283
  • Relations
    • renal surface (facies renalis)
    • superior extremity (extremitas superior)
    • lower extremity or colic surface (extremitas inferior)
    • anterior border (margo anterior)
    • posterior border (margo posterior)
    • inferior border (internal border)
    • phrenicolienal ligament
    • gastrolienal ligament
    • accessory spleens (lien accessorius; supernumerary spleen)
  • Structure
Gray's page #1284
  • Structure
    • areolae
    • splenic pulp (pulpa lienis)
    • splenic cells
Gray's page #1285
  • Bloodvessels of the Spleen

See also

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