analytica preview 2024

Here, innovative exhibitors present their trade fair innovations, premieres and product innovations for analytica 2024.

München 09.04.-12.04.2024

Trade-fair innovations of analytica preview 2024

Maximum flexibility for the laboratory of the future Maximum flexibility for the laboratory of the future New

Modern safety cabinets for efficient work

claire® neo: Modular, user-friendly and digitally networked
Best planning capability thanks to production in grid dimensions ✓ Optimum functionality with a wide range of retrofit options ✓ Optimum functionality with a wide range of retrofit options ✓
safety workbenches
Compact optical multi-channel oxygen reader for 96-well microplates: FirePlate-O2 Compact optical multi-channel oxygen reader for 96-well microplates: FirePlate-O2 New

Precisely measure oxygen in 96-well microtiter plates

Improve your processes with fast and accurate O2 measurements
compact, user-friendly & configurable ✓ incubator-compatible ✓ flashing performance in 96 wells ✓
ChemiDoc Go: A compact, precise imager for Advanced Western Blotting ChemiDoc Go: A compact, precise imager for Advanced Western Blotting New

Chemiluminescence and fluorescence measurement to go

ChemiDoc Go: Compact, versatile and easy to use
Sensitive Chemiluminescence imager with broad dynamic range ✓ Additional fluorescence capability with Bio-Rad StarBright 520 and 700 for Multi-plexing capability ✓ Compact footprint to optimise bench space ✓
imaging systems

Products and catalogs of analytica preview 2024

Products of analytica preview 2024

Real-Time Characterization of Particles and Dispersions in Micro and Nano Range in Colani Design Real-Time Characterization of Particles and Dispersions in Micro and Nano Range in Colani Design

Real-Time Characterization of Particles and Dispersions in Micro and Nano Range in Colani Design

Particle Size Distribution, Density, Magnetophoretic Velocity, Hansen Parameters, Real-Time Stability
The multi-wavelength STEP technology now handles applications at 4-80 C with temperature stability of +/- 0.2K.
particle analyzers
Battery-powered, mobile ultra-low temperature freezer - up to 4 h at -80 °C without mains connection Battery-powered, mobile ultra-low temperature freezer - up to 4 h at -80 °C without mains connection

Battery-powered, mobile ultra-low temperature freezer - up to 4 h at -80 °C without mains connection

freezing systems
ASKION FluoS - The platform for entry level automated fluorescence microscopy ASKION FluoS - The platform for entry level automated fluorescence microscopy

Automated Fluorescence Microscope - now incredibly affordable

fluorescence microscopes
High-Throughput Microplate Washing & Dispensing High-Throughput Microplate Washing & Dispensing

Fast, automated sample processing for 96- and 384-well formats

Elevate Your Imaging with New FLUOVIEW Laser Scanning Microscope System Elevate Your Imaging with New FLUOVIEW Laser Scanning Microscope System

Revolutionary imaging with FLUOVIEW FV4000: Confocal laser scanning

laser scanning microscopes
automated liquid handling with certified pre-owned systems automated liquid handling with certified pre-owned systems

Sustainable liquid handling solutions for your laboratory

liquid handling systems
High-quality recirculating chillers with natural refrigerant High-quality recirculating chillers with natural refrigerant

Recirculating chillers from FRYKA - whisper-quiet, efficient and sustainable

recirculating chillers
Benchtop Freezer for the Lab Benchtop Freezer for the Lab

Deep freezer for arctic cold - directly on your lab bench

Unprecedented Resolution: New Single Particle Optical Counter for Nanoparticles and Microparticles Unprecedented Resolution: New Single Particle Optical Counter for Nanoparticles and Microparticles

Unprecedented Resolution: New Single Particle Optical Counter for Nanoparticles and Microparticles

particle analyzers
Automated sample preparation - just-in-time - connected to LC/MS, GC/MS or offline Automated sample preparation - just-in-time - connected to LC/MS, GC/MS or offline

Efficiency booster for LC/MS and GC/MS through automated sample preparation

automated sample preparation systems
Greener Alternative Product - Portfolio Greener Alternative Product - Portfolio

Sustainable laboratory products for environmentally conscious research

Fully automated cell density and viability standalone analyzer delivering fast results Fully automated cell density and viability standalone analyzer delivering fast results

FDA-compliant cell analysis with high throughput rates

cell analyzers

Catalogs of analytica preview 2024

Analytica news
