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List of subjects in Gray's Anatomy: X. The Organs of the senses and the Common integument


the peripheral organs of the special senses

the organs of taste (Gray's s222)

Gray's page #991
  • peripheral gustatory or taste organs
  • Structure of taste bud
    • gustatory pore
    • supporting cells
    • gustatory cells
Gray's page #992

the organ of smell (Gray's s223)

Gray's page #992
  • Organon Olfactorius; The Nose
  • External nose (Nasus Externus; Outer nose)
    • apex
    • base
    • nares
    • columna
    • vibrissae
    • dorsum nasi
    • bridge
    • ala nasi
  • Structure
    • bony frame-work
    • cartilaginous frame-work (cartilagines nasi)
    • cartilage of the septum (cartilago septi nasi)
Gray's page #993
  • Structure
    • sphenoidal process
    • septum mobile nasi
    • lateral cartilage (cartilago nasi lateralis; upper lateral cartilage)
    • greater alar cartilage (cartilago alaris major; lower lateral cartilage)
    • medial wall (crus mediale)
    • septum mobile nasi
    • lateral wall (crus laterale)
    • lesser alar cartilages (cartilagines alares minores; sesamoid cartilages)
Gray's page #994
Gray's page #995
  • Lateral wall
    • atrium
    • bulla ethmoidalis
    • hiatus semilunaris
    • infundibulum
    • ostium maxillare
    • inferior meatus
  • Medial wall
Gray's page #996
  • Medial wall
  • Mucous membrane (membrana mucosa nasi)
    • respiratory region
    • olfactory region
    • supporting cells
    • olfactory cells
    • olfactory hair
    • glands of Bowman
Gray's page #997
Gray's page #998
Gray's page #999

the organ of sight (Gray's s224)

Gray's page #1000
  • bulb of the eye (bulbus oculi; eyeball), or organ of sight
  • fascia bulbi
Gray's page #1001
  • anterior pole
  • posterior pole
  • optic axis

Development of eye

  • optic vesicles
    • optic stalk
    • lens vesicle
    • optic cup
Gray's page #1002
Gray's page #1003
Gray's page #1005

the tunics of the eye (Gray's s225)

Fibrous tunic (tunica fibrosa oculi)

Gray's page #1005
  • Sclera
    • spatium perichorioideale
    • suprachorioidea
    • lamina cribrosa sclerae
    • venae vorticosae
    • sclero-corneal junction
    • sinus venosus sclerae (canal of Schlemm)
Gray's page #1006
Gray's page #1007
Gray's page #1008
  • Cornea
    • Structure of cornea
      • corneal spaces
      • corneal corpuscle
      • anterior elastic lamina (lamina elastica anterior; anterior limiting layer; Bowman’s membrane)
      • posterior elastic lamina (lamina elastica posterior; membrane of Descemet; membrane of Demours)
Gray's page #1009
  • Cornea
    • Structure of cornea
      • spaces of the angle of the iris (spaces of Fontana)
      • pectinate ligament of the iris
      • endothelium of the anterior chamber (endothelium cameræ anterioris; posterior layer; corneal endothelium)

Vascular tunic (tunica vasculosa oculi)

Gray's page #1009
  • Choroid (chorioidea)
Gray's page #1010
  • Choroid (chorioidea)
    • lamina suprachorioidea
    • choroid proper
      • outer layer (lamina vasculosa)
        • venae vorticosae
      • inner layer (lamina choriocapillaris)
    • Tapetum
  • Ciliary body (corpus ciliare)
Gray's page #1011
  • Ciliary body (corpus ciliare)
    • ciliary processes (processus ciliares)
      • pars ciliaris retinae
    • Ciliaris muscle (m. ciliaris; Bowman's muscle)
      • meridional fibers and circular fibers
Gray's page #1012
  • Iris
    • pupil
    • anterior chamber
    • posterior chamber
Gray's page #1013
Gray's page #1014
  • Iris
    • membrana pupillaris

Retina (tunica interna)

Gray's page #1014
  • ora serrata
Gray's page #1015
Gray's page #1016
  • Retina proper
    • ganglionic layer
    • inner plexiform layer
    • inner nuclear layer or layer of inner granules
Gray's page #1017
Gray's page #1018
  • Macula lutea and Fovea centralis

the refracting media (Gray's s226)

Gray's page #1018
  • Aqueous humor (humor aqueus)
  • Vitreous body (corpus vitreum)
    • hyaloid fossa
    • hyaloid membrane
    • hyaloid canal
    • zonula ciliaris (zonule of Zinn)
    • suspensory ligament of the lens
Gray's page #1019
Gray's page #1020

the accessory organs of the eye (Gray's s227)

Gray's page #1021
Gray's page #1022
Gray's page #1023
Gray's page #1024
Gray's page #1025
  • Fascia bulb (capsule of Ténon)
    • suspensory ligament of the eye
  • Orbital fascia
  • Eyebrows (supercilia)
  • Eyelids (palpebræ)
    • palpebral fissure (rima palpebrarum)
    • palpebral commissures or canthi
      • lateral palpebral commissure (commissura palpebrarum lateralis; external canthus)
      • medial palpebral commissure (commissura palpebrarum medialis; internal canthus)
    • lacus lacrimalis
    • lacrimal papilla
    • punctum lacrimale
  • eyelashes (cilia)
    • ciliary glands
  • Structure of the Eyelids
  • integument
  • subcutaneous areolar tissue
  • palpebral fibers of the Orbicularis oculi
  • tarsi (tarsal plates)
    • superior tarsus (tarsus superior; superior tarsal plate)
    • inferior tarsus (tarsus inferior; inferior tarsal plate)
Gray's page #1026
  • orbital septum (septum orbitale; palpebral ligament)
  • Tarsal glands (glandulæ tarsales [Meibomi]; Meibomian glands)
  • conjunctiva
Gray's page #1027
  • conjunctiva
    • Palpebral portion (tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum)
      • plica semilunaris
      • superior fornix
      • inferior fornix
    • Bulbar portion (tunica conjunctiva bulbi)
Gray's page #1028
  • trachoma glands
  • caruncula lacrimalis
    • lacus lacrimalis
    • plica semilunaris
  • Lacrimal apparatus (apparatus lacrimalis)
    • Lacrimal gland (glandula lacrimalis)
      • superior lacrimal gland
      • inferior lacrimal gland
    • Lacrimal ducts (ductus lacrimalis; lacrimal canals)
      • puncta lacrimalia
      • papillae lacrimales
      • superior duct
      • inferior duct
      • ampullae
    • Lacrimal sac (saccus lacrimalis)
Gray's page #1029
  • Lacrimal apparatus (apparatus lacrimalis)
    • Nasolacrimal duct (ductus nasolacrimalis; nasal duct)
      • plica lacrimalis (Hasneri)

the organ of hearing (Gray's s228)

Gray's page #1029
  • ear
  • auditory plate
  • auditory pit
Gray's page #1030
  • auditory vesicle
Gray's page #1032
Gray's page #1033
  • middle ear
  • auditory tube
  • malleus
  • incus
  • stapes
  • external acoustic meatus
  • acoustic nerve
  • vestibular ganglion
  • spiral ganglion

the external ear (Gray's s229)

Gray's page #1033
  • external ear
  • auricula (pinna)
    • Helix
    • auricular tubercle of Darwin
    • antihelix
Gray's page #1034
  • auricula (pinna)
    • fossa triangularis
    • concha
    • crus
    • cymba conchae
    • cavum conchae
    • tragus
    • intertragic notch
    • antitragus
    • lobule
    • eminentia conchae
    • eminentia triangularis
  • Structure of auricula
    • cartilage of the auricula (cartilago auriculæ; cartilage of the pinna)
      • spina helicis
      • cauda helicis
      • fissura antitragohelicina
      • sulcus antihelicis transversus
      • ponticulus
Gray's page #1035
  • Structure of auricula
    • ligaments of the auricula (ligamenti auricularia; ligaments of the pinna)
    • Extrinsic muscles of external ear
    • Intrinsic muscles of external ear
      • Helicis major
      • Helicis minor
      • Tragicus
      • Antitragicus
      • Transversus auriculae
      • Obliquus auriculae
Gray's page #1036
  • External acoustic meatus (meatus acusticus externus; external auditory canal or meatus)
    • isthmus
    • cartilaginous portion (meatus acusticus externus cartilagineus)
    • osseous portion (meatus acusticus externus osseus)
Gray's page #1037
  • External acoustic meatus (meatus acusticus externus; external auditory canal or meatus)

the middle ear or tympanic cavity (Gray's s230)

Gray's page #1037
  • middle ear
Gray's page #1038
  • tympanic cavity proper
  • epitympanic recess
  • Tegmental wall or Roof (paries tegmentalis)
    • tegmen tympani
  • Jugular wall or Floor (paries jugularis)
    • fundus tympani
  • Membranous or Lateral wall (paries membranacea; outer wall)
    • notch of Rivinus
    • iter chordae posterius (apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae)
    • petrotympanic fissure (fissura petrotympanica; Glaserian fissure)
Gray's page #1039
  • Membranous or Lateral wall (paries membranacea; outer wall)
    • iter chordae anterius (canal of Huguier)
  • Tympanic membrane (membrana tympani)
    • fibrocartilaginous ring
    • tympanic sulcus
    • malleolar folds
    • pars flaccida
    • umbo
  • Structure
    • cutaneous stratum
    • fibrous stratum
Gray's page #1040
  • Labyrinthic or Medial wall (paries labyrinthica; inner wall)
    • fenestra vestibuli (fenestra ovalis)
    • fenestra cochleæ (fenestra rotunda)
    • secondary tympanic membrane
Gray's page #1042
  • Labyrinthic or Medial wall (paries labyrinthica; inner wall)
    • promontory (promontorium)
    • prominence of the facial canal (prominentia canalis facialis; prominence of aqueduct of Fallopius)
  • mastoid or posterior wall (paries mastoidea)
    • entrance to the antrum
    • tympanic or mastoid antrum
    • mastoid air cells
    • pyramidal eminence (eminentia pyramidalis; pyramid)
    • fossa incudis
  • Carotid or Anterior wall (paries carotica)
    • septum canalis musculotubarii
    • semicanal for the Tensor tympani (semicanalis m. tensoris tympani)
    • septum canalis musculotubarii (processus cochleariformis)
  • auditory tube (tuba auditiva; Eustachian tube)
Gray's page #1043
  • auditory tube (tuba auditiva; Eustachian tube)
    • osseous portion (pars osseo tubae auditivae)
    • cartilaginous portion (pars cartilaginea tubae auditivae)
      • torus tubarius
      • tube tonsil

the auditory ossicles (Gray's s231)

Gray's page #1044
  • Malleus
    • head (capitulum mallei)
    • cog-tooth (spur of the malleus)
    • neck (collum mallei)
    • manubrium mallei (handle)
    • anterior process (processus anterior; processus gracilis)
    • lateral process (processus lateralis; processus brevis)
  • Incus
    • body (corpus incudis)
    • short crus (crus breve; short process)
Gray's page #1045
  • Incus
    • fossa incudis
    • long crus (crus longum; long process)
    • lenticular process
  • Stapes
    • head (capitulum stapedis)
    • crura (crus anterius and crus posterius)
    • base (basis stapedis)
  • Ligaments of the Ossicles (ligamenta ossiculorum auditus)
    • anterior ligament of the malleus (lig. mallei anterius)
    • superior ligament of the malleus (lig. mallei superius)
    • lateral ligament of the malleus (lig. mallei laterale; external ligament of the malleus)
    • axis ligament
    • posterior ligament of the incus (lig. incudis posterius)
Gray's page #1046
  • Ligaments of the Ossicles
    • superior ligament of the incus (lig. incudis superius)
    • annular ligament of the base of the stapes (lig. annulare baseos stapedis)
  • Muscles of the Tympanic Cavity (musculi ossiculorum auditus)
    • Tensor tympani
    • Stapedius
  • Mucous membrane of the Tympanic cavity
  • pouch of Prussak
  • recesses of Troltsch
Gray's page #1047
  • tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal (Jacobson's nerve)
  • superior and inferior caroticotympanic nerves
  • smaller superficial petrosal nerve
  • chorda tympani nerve

the internal ear or labyrinth (Gray's s232)

Gray's page #1047
  • internal ear (labyrinth)
  • Osseous labyrinth (labyrinthus osseus)
  • Vestibule (vestibulum)
Gray's page #1048
  • Vestibule (vestibulum)
    • pyramid of the vestibule
    • fossa cochlearis
    • aquæductus vestibuli
    • ductus endolymphaticus
    • recessus ellipticus
    • macula cribrosa superior
Gray's page #1049
  • Bony semicircular canals (canales semicirculares ossei)
    • ampulla
    • superior semicircular canal (canalis semicircularis superior)
    • crus commune
    • posterior semicircular canal (canalis semicircularis posterior)
    • lateral or horizontal canal (canalis semicircularis lateralis; external semicircular canal)
Gray's page #1050
  • Cochlea
    • apex of cochlea (cupula)
    • osseous spiral lamina
    • basilar membrane
    • helicotrema
    • modiolus
Gray's page #1051
  • Cochlea
    • spiral canal of the modiolus
    • spiral ganglion (ganglion of Corti)
    • cupula
    • fenestra cochleae
    • secondary tympanic membrane
    • osseous spiral lamina (lamina spiralis ossea)
    • scala vestibuli
    • scala tympani
    • hamulus laminæ spiralis
    • helicotrema
    • secondary spiral lamina
    • vestibule fissure
    • perilymph
  • Membranous labyrinth (labyrinthus membranaceus)
    • perilymph
    • endolymph
  • utricle (utriculus)
    • macula acustica utriculi
Gray's page #1052
  • utricle (utriculus)
    • ductus utriculosaccularis
  • Saccule (sacculus)
    • macula acustica sacculi
    • ductus endolymphaticus
    • saccus endolymphaticus
    • canalis reuniens of Hensen
  • Semicircular ducts (ductus semicirculares; membranous semicircular canals)
  • Structure
Gray's page #1054
  • Structure
  • Ductus cochlearis (membranous cochlea; scala media)
  • basilar membrane
  • vestibular membrane
  • ductus cochlearis (scala media)
  • lagena
  • canalis reuniens of Hensen
  • spiral ligament
  • basilar crest
Gray's page #1055
  • sulcus spiralis externus
  • stria vascularis
  • limbus laminæ spiralis
  • sulcus spiralis internus
  • vestibular lip
  • tympanic lip
  • auditory teeth
Gray's page #1056
  • Basilar membrane
    • zona arcuata
    • zona pectinata
    • vas spirale
  • spiral organ of Corti
    • pillars of Corti
Gray's page #1057
  • spiral organ of Corti
    • tunnel of Corti
    • reticular membrane
  • rods of Corti
    • phalangeal processes
  • Hair cells
Gray's page #1058
  • Hair cells
    • cells of Deiters
    • phalangeal process
    • supporting cells of Hensen
    • cells of Claudius
    • space of Nuel
    • reticular lamina
    • phalanges
    • tectorial membrane
    • Hensen's stripe
    • acoustic nerve (n. acusticus; auditory nerve or nerve of hearing)
    • vestibular nerve (n. vestibularis)
    • vestibular ganglion (ganglion of Scarpa)

peripheral terminations of nerves of general sensations (Gray's s233)

Gray's page #1059
  • special end-organs
Gray's page #1060
  • special end-organs
    • end-bulbs of Krause
    • genital corpuscles
    • articular end-bulbs
    • tactile corpuscles of Grandry
    • Pacinian corpuscles
Gray's page #1061

the common integument (Gray's s234)

Gray's page #1062
Gray's page #1063
Gray's page #1064
Gray's page #1065
  • Corium, Cutis vera, Dermis, or True skin
    • reticular layer (stratum reticulare; deep layer)
    • papillary layer (stratum papillare; superficial layer; corpus papillare of the corium)
      • papillæ
Gray's page #1066
  • Development
    • vernix caseosa
    • lanugo
  • Appendages of the Skin
Gray's page #1067
  • Appendages of the Skin
Gray's page #1068
  • Appendages of the Skin
    • Hairs (pili)
      • inner coat or epidermic coat
        • outer root sheath and inner root sheath
        • Huxley's layer
        • Henle's layer
Gray's page #1069
Gray's page #1070
  • Appendages of the Skin
    • Sudoriferous glands or Sweat glands (glandulæ sudoriferæ)

See also

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