Thermo Fisher Scientific Announces Collaborative Partnership with Vascular Proteomics Group at King's College London


Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. announced a collaborative partnership with the newly opened Vascular proteomics Group at the James Black Center, King's College London, headed by Dr. Manuel Mayr. Started in June 2007, the facility is equipped with the combination of a Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL(TM) high performance mass spectrometer and the ETD-equipped Thermo Scientific LTQ XL(TM) system. The James Black Center is a research facility with a range of core competencies including genomics, proteomics, mulitphoton confocal microscopy and MRI.

"We are delighted that our new proteomics facility at the James Black Center will feature cutting- edge technology dedicated to cardiovascular research. Our primary focus will be on the ability of stem cells to affect cardiovascular repair," said Dr. Mayr.

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