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Superficial spreading melanoma

Superficial spreading melanoma
Classification & external resources
ICD-10 C43.
ICD-O: M8743/3

Superficial spreading melanoma (SSM) is the most common form of cutaneous melanoma in Caucasians. The average age at diagnosis is in the fifth decade, and it tends to occur on sun-exposed skin, especially on the backs of males and lower limbs of females.


Often, this disease evolves from a precursor lesion, usually a dysplastic nevus. Otherwise it arises in previously normal skin. A prolonged radial growth phase, where the lesion remains thin, may eventually be followed by a vertical growth phase where the lesion becomes thick and nodular. As the risk of spread varies with the thickness, early SSM is more frequently cured than late nodular melanoma.

The microscopic hallmarks are:

  • Large melanocytic cells with nest formation along the dermo-epidermal junction.
  • Invasion of the upper epidermis in a pagetoid fashion (discohesive single cell growth).
  • The pattern of rete ridges is often effaced.
  • Invasion of the dermis by atypical, pleomorphic melanocytes
  • Absence of the 'maturation' typical of naevus cells
  • Mitoses


Treatment is by excisional biopsy, wide local excision and possibly sentinel node biopsy. Spread of disease to local lymph nodes or distant sites (typically brain, bone, skin and lung) marks a decidedly poor prognosis.

pancreas (Insulinoma, Glucagonoma, Gastrinoma, VIPoma, Somatostatinoma)

Cholangiocarcinoma - Hepatocellular adenoma/Hepatocellular carcinoma - Adenoid cystic carcinoma - Familial adenomatous polyposis - Prolactinoma - Oncocytoma - Hurthle cell - Clear cell adenoma/adenocarcinoma - Renal cell carcinoma - Multiple endocrine neoplasia - Endometrioid tumor
Adnexal And Skin appendage (8390-8429)sweat gland (Hidrocystoma, Syringoma)
Cystic, Mucinous And Serous (8440-8499)(Mucoepidermoid carcinoma - Cystadenoma/Cystadenocarcinoma/Pseudomyxoma peritonei - Signet ring cell carcinoma/Krukenberg tumor
Ductal, Lobular And Medullary (8500-8549)Ductal carcinoma - Paget's disease of the breast/Extramammary Paget's disease
Acinar cell (8550-8559)Acinic cell carcinoma
Complex epithelial (8560-8589)Warthin's tumor - Thymoma
Gonadal (8590-8679)Sex cord-stromal tumour - Thecoma - Granulosa cell tumour - Arrhenoblastoma/Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour
Paragangliomas And Glomus tumors (8680-8719)Paraganglioma - Pheochromocytoma - Glomus tumor
Nevi and melanomas (8720-8799)Melanocytic nevus - Nodular melanoma - Dysplastic nevus - Lentigo maligna melanoma - Superficial spreading melanoma - Blue nevus
  This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Superficial_spreading_melanoma". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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