SYGNIS strengthens IP position in the treatment of acute stroke with AX200 in the US

09-Dec-2008 - USA

SYGNIS Pharma AG announced that the US Patent and Trademark office (USPTO) published a Notice of Allowance for the patent application which protects the treatment of stroke patients with AX200 in the USA. SYGNIS exclusively licensed the respective global rights to this patent application. Following the granting of the corresponding European patent in 2006, AX200 will now also be protected in the USA, the world’s largest pharma market for the treatment of stroke patients.

AX200 is SYGNIS’ product name for G-CSF, an endogenous protein. It is SYGNIS’ lead compound and is being developed for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. SYGNIS is currently preparing a Phase II efficacy trial for AX200 in acute stroke and plans to initiate the trial by the end of fiscal year 2008/2009. SYGNIS is also developing AX200 for additional neurological indications. In spring 2008 the company was granted Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) by the European Commission for AX200 in the treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and in early November 2008 in the treatment of spinal cord injury.

Dr. Alfred Bach, CEO of SYGNIS Pharma AG, said: “We are very encouraged to receive this Notice of Allowance from the USPTO. Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the US and novel treatment options are urgently needed. Through the patent position in the USA AX200 is protected in the treatment of stroke in the world’s largest pharma market. This significantly extends the commercial value of AX200 for the treatment of stroke. We continue to extend our IP position around AX200 and to advance the use of the potential of AX200.”

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