Agilent Technologies Secures Patent for CGH Assays

21-Aug-2012 - USA

Agilent Technologies Inc. announced that it was awarded a significant patent for comparative genomic hybridization methods. CGH methods help researchers study genetics and cancer in both basic and clinical research.

The U.S. patent (No. 8,232,055) has claims for measuring copy number changes in genomic DNA, covering both one-color and two-color assays using oligonucleotide probes and samples with high-sequence complexity, such as human genomic DNA samples.

Agilent’s copy number method, commercially introduced in 2005, uses long oligonucleotide probes, enabling high specificity and sensitivity. For example, samples containing as low as 8 percent abnormal cells may be confidently analyzed with Agilent’s copy number method.

The method was originally developed to improve upon older copy number assays that use long genomic fragments such as bacterial artificial chromosomes. (BACs often contain repetitive regions.) The method also improves upon other oligonucleotide array assays, which depend on sample preparation methods that remove significant portions of the genomic DNA content. Agilent’s higher-resolution platform allows users to detect much smaller genomic aberrations throughout complex genomes.

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