Dako Enters New Collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squibb on Pharmacodiagnostics

11-Nov-2011 - Denmark

Dako announced it has entered into a broad framework agreement with Bristol-Myers Squibb Company on the development of pharmacodiagnostic tests intended to identify patients more likely to benefit from treatment with investigational drug candidates under development by Bristol-Myers Squibb. The agreement builds on a collaboration begun in 2008.

Pharmacodiagnostics are increasingly in demand with the recognition that personalized medicine may provide a way to improve patient care and manage healthcare costs by targeting treatments to individuals more likely to benefit from specific therapies.

"It is part of Dako's long-term strategy to collaborate with pharma companies on the development of companion diagnostic tests. The partnership agreements simply underpin Dako's mission to deliver the highest standards and accurate diagnoses - ultimately to the benefit of patients all over the world," says Lars Holmkvist, CEO of Dako.

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