GATC Biotech is the first sequencing service provider in Germany with Illumina CSProTM certification

03-Sep-2009 - Germany

GATC Biotech is the first sequencing service provider in Germany to successfully complete the CSProTM certification process carried out by Illumina Inc. The CSProTM certificate (Certified Service Provider Program) is awarded to service providers all over the world which offer the highest data and service quality in the fields of Next Generation sequencing, genotyping or expression profiling.

As part of a two-stage certification process for Next Generation sequencing with the Genome Analyzer IIx, the laboratories in Constance and the sequencing data generated were subjected to extensive tests. In the future, this quality certificate will be confirmed by annual audits and supplemented with additional training measures.

As a CSProTM certified service provider, the European market leader GATC Biotech can immediately have preferential access to the latest technical developments, platforms and upgrades from Illumina Inc. This allows extremely rapid advancement of applications and extended solutions for individual sequencing projects which directly profit the customers.

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