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List of evolutionary biology topics

This is a list of topics in evolutionary biology and evolution.

See also: List of biology topics, List of biochemistry topics, WikiProject Evolutionary biology

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abiogenesis - adaptation - adaptive radiation - allele - allele frequency - allopatric speciation - altruism - anagenesis - Archaeopteryx - aquatic adaptation - artificial selection - atavism


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Brassica oleracea - breed


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Cambrian explosion - catagenesis - gene-centered view of evolution - cephalization - Chi square test - chronospecies - clade - cladistics - Climatic adaptation - coalescent theory - co-evolution - Co-operation (evolution) - coefficient of relationship - common descent - convergent evolution - creation-evolution controversy - cultivar - current research in evolutionary biology


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Darwin (unit) - Charles Darwin - Darwinism - Darwin's finches - Richard Dawkins - directional selection - Theodosius Dobzhansky - Dog breeding - Domestication - Domestication of the horse


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ecological genetics - ecological selection - endosymbiosis - error threshold (evolution) - evidence of evolution - evolution - evolutionary arms race - evolution of cetaceans - evolution of complexity - evolution of the horse - evolution of sex - evolution of sirenians - evolution of the eye - evolutionary developmental biology - evolutionary neuroscience - evolutionary psychology - evolutionary radiation - evolutionary stable strategy - evolutionary tree - experimental evolution - exaptation - extinction


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Joe Felsenstein - R.A. Fisher - Fisher's reproductive value - fitness - fitness landscape - E.B. Ford - fossil


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Galápagos Islands - gene - gene-centric view of evolution - gene duplication - gene flow - gene pool - genetic drift - genetic recombination - genetic variation - genotype - genotype-phenotype distinction - Stephen Jay Gould - gradualism - Peter and Rosemary Grant - group selection


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J. B. S. Haldane - W. D. Hamilton - Hardy-Weinberg principle - heredity - history of evolutionary thought - horizontal gene transfer - human evolution - human evolutionary genetics - homologous chromosomes - homology (biology)


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inclusive fitness - insect evolution - Invertebrate paleontology (a.k.a. invertebrate paleobiology or paleozoology)


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kin selection - Motoo Kimura


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Jean-Baptiste Lamarck - Lamarckism - landrace - Language -Last common ancestor - Last universal ancestor - Richard Lewontin - list of gene families - life-history theory - Wen-Hsiung Li - living fossils - Charles Lyell


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macroevolution - macromutation - The Major Transitions in Evolution - maladaptation - mass extinctions - mating systems - John Maynard Smith - Ernst Mayr - Gregor Mendel - Mendelian inheritance - microevolution - Micropaleontology (a.k.a. micropaleobiology) - Mitochondrial Eve - modern evolutionary synthesis - molecular clock - molecular evolution - molecular phylogeny - molecular systematics - Monogamy - most recent common ancestor - Hermann Joseph Muller - Muller's ratchet - evolution of music - mutation - mutational meltdown


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natural selection - neutral theory of molecular evolution - Baron Franz Nopcsa


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Susumu Ohno - Aleksandr Oparin - Origin of birds - The Origin of Species - orthologous genes


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Paleoanthropology - Paleobiology - Paleobotany - Paleontology - Paleozoology - Paleozoology: Vertebrates - Paleozoology: Invertebrates - parallel evolution - paraphyletic -peppered moth - peppered moth evolution - peripatric speciation - phenotype - phylogenetics - phylogeny - phylogenetic tree - pikaia - Plant evolution - population - Population bottleneck - population dynamics - population genetics - preadaptation - prehistoric archaeology - Principles of Geology - George R. Price - Price equation - punctuated equilibrium - Plant Evolutionary Developmental Biology


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quasispecies model


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race (biology) - Red Queen - recapitulation theory - recombination


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selection - selective breeding - Science of Evolution - sexual selection - sociobiology - species - speciation - species flock - sperm competition - stabilizing selection - strain (biology) - subspecies - survival of the fittest - Survival value - symbiogenesis - systematics


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Tiktaalik - timeline of evolution - Trait (biological) - transitional fossil - transposon - Triangle of U


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Uniformitarianism (science) - Unit of selection


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variety (plant) - Vertebrate paleontology (a.k.a. vertebrate paleobiology or paleozoology) - viral evolution - The Voyage of the Beagle


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Alfred Russel Wallace - Wallace effect - Wallace Line - Wallacea - George C. Williams - Edward O. Wilson - Sewall Wright


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Y-chromosomal Adam


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This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "List_of_evolutionary_biology_topics". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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