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6 Infografiken zum Thema Koffein


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Coke & Diet Coke

The Facts and the Fiction

Over the past week, you may well have seen a couple of graphics purporting to explain the effect that drinking a can of Coke or Diet Coke has on your body. They’ve been picked up by arange of online news and media sites, and as a result circulated widely. Unfortunately, althoughsome of the ...


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Why is Coffee Bitter?

The Chemistry of Coffee

Mention coffee, and caffeine is the chemical compound name that immediately springs to mind. However, whilst caffeine’s effects on the brain are well documented –it binds to adenosine receptors in the brain – it has relatively little impact when it comes to the taste of coffee. Coffee, as it ...


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Lethal Doses of Water, Caffeine and Alcohol

Today’s graphic is a whimsical look at lethal doses of chemicalswe consume on a regular basis.Whilst it may be more common to view chemicals in a black and white framing of ‘toxic’ or ‘non-toxic’, the reality is more of a sliding scale of toxicity. The admission of too much of any chemical into ...


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Polyphenols & Antioxidants

The Chemistry of Tea

After looking at the chemistry of coffee in the previous post, it seemed only fair to also consider the chemistry of tea, just so all the tea drinkers out there don’t feel left out. Much like coffee, tea contains a hugely wide variety of chemical compounds, but some of the most important in terms ...


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Toxizität & Aphrodisie

Die Chemie der Schokolade

Valentinstag, ein passender Zeitpunkt, um die Chemie der Schokolade für die neueste Grafik der Lebensmittelchemie zu untersuchen. Insbesondere konzentrieren wir uns hier auf die beiden häufig erwähnten Wirkungen des Schokoladenkonsums: die vermeintliche aphrodisierende Wirkung und die schädlichen ...


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Die chemischen Verbindungen im Aroma des Kaffees

Ob Sie ein Kaffeegenießer sind oder völlig ungeduldig, wie Sie Ihren Koffeinschub bekommen, der Duft des frisch gebrühten Kaffees am Morgen ist belebend. Die Chemie dieses Aromas ist jedoch alles andere als einfach; dafür ist eine komplexe Ansammlung von chemischen Verbindungen verantwortlich, ...


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