Laboratory Products for Life Sciences, Biotech, and Pharma


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ECIS® Z-Theta von Applied BioPhysics by Dunn

Impedance measurement of cell cultures

Observe your cells in a completely new way

Cells are incubated continuously ✓ Measurement and data acquisition in real time ✓ Label-free method of cell observation ✓

cell culture analysis cell culture analyzer cell culture monitoring
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fully automated Askion FluoM® by Askion

Fully automated fluorescence microscope: precise, efficient and flexible for every application

Individually configurable, high throughput rate and versatile in research and diagnostics

High accuracy and repeatability ✓ Time efficiency and high throughput rate ✓ Flexibility and customisation ✓

Autoimmune diagnostics cancer diagnostics cell biology
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Octave BIO MCC System by Tosoh

Holistic Multi-Column Chromatography Solution

Flexible operation from parallel batches through SMB to integrated continuous processing

Up to 90% resin savings due to higher productivity ✓ Up to 40% solvent savings due to better utilization of the column bed ✓ Seamless scale-up from mg- to kg-range of purified product ✓

antibody purification biomolecule purification biopharmaceutical production
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Large capcity CellXpert® CS220 CO2 Incubator Shaker by Eppendorf

First CO₂ Incubator Shaker with Integrated 180°C Sterilization

Maximize capacity and safety for your mammalian shake flask cultures

Prevents contamination with stainless steel chamber and integrated 180°C sterilization ✓ Increases flask capacity by up to 40%, improving efficiency ✓ Continuous 24/7 operation ensures consistent research output ✓

antibody analysis biosimilar production cellular therapies
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Cytiva Protein Select by Cytiva

Fast & Efficient Protein Purification with Cytiva’s Self-Cleaving Resin

Boost your lab's efficiency by simplifying purification with a tag-free solution

Speeds up purification processes with a single-step workflow ✓ Delivers high-purity, tag-free proteins ✓ Ideal for a wide range of protein types, including those lacking affinity partners ✓

affinity chromatography affinity resins chromatography resins
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Plate Reader PlateDirect by Mettler-Toledo

World's smallest 96-well reader – portable, robust, maintenance-free

80% smaller than other readers, plug & play via USB

Compact and portable ✓ Accurate, reproducible and fast results ✓ Absorbance measurements of 96 positions within 5 seconds in the visible spectral range ✓

active ingredient research Bradford assays cell assays
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Cell Analyzer CytoDirect by Mettler-Toledo

CytoDirect Stain-Free Automated Cell Counter

Reliable Cell Concentration and Cell Viability Assay by OneClick

Extra-large measurement area ✓ Elimination of cell staining ✓ Portable, robust design ✓

automatic cell counters cell counters cell counting
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Verso Q-Series by Hamilton Storage

Automated Sample Storage Right Where You Need It

Take Full Control of Your Samples

Extremely compact footprint ✓ Capacity: Up to 152,900 tubes ✓ Temperature Range: Ambient to -20°C ✓

sample management sample storage sample storage systems
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CFArefer by HiTec Zang

Precise detection of mechanical forces in cell layers and other materials

Shorten your development time with up to 6 cell force measurements in parallel

Precise and reproducible cell force measurement ✓ Compact design, highly versatile ✓ The reference system for indirect cell force measurement systems ✓

bioavailability tests cell force analyzers cell force measurement
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Thermo Scientific TSX Universal Series Ultra-low Temperature Freezer by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Over 80 years of innovation packed into the next-generation ultra-low temperature freezer

The pinnacle of reliability, sustainability, and innovation

Quality you can trust ✓ Universally better performance ✓ Greener by design ✓

biobanking cell therapies cooling
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Bactron 400 HP

Bactron 400 HP by Dunn

Innovative workbench for working under anaerobic and hypoxic conditions

Touchscreen control and data recording for microbiological applications

anaerobic workbenches
CyBio FeliX

CyBio FeliX by Analytik Jena

Automation of Cellular Assays

Flexible Pipetting Platform for Fully Automated Single to Multichannel Liquid Handling

pipetting robots
qTOWER iris

qTOWER iris by Analytik Jena

Real-time PCR thermal cycler qTOWER iris

Feel Free to Explore!

real-time PCR thermocyclers
Assay Defender

Assay Defender by CANDOR Bioscience

Clarity in immunoassay analysis at last

Avoid incorrect diagnoses thanks to highly effective dilution buffers

Microbiology QC lab filtration products

Microbiology QC lab filtration products by Cytiva

Microbiology QC lab filtration products

Microbiology QC membrane filtration solutions designed for ease-of-use and contamination control

laboratory filter

AcroPrep by Cytiva

Multi-well filtration plates

Select the right plate for your high throughput applications

filter plates
Cell culture filtration solutions

Cell culture filtration solutions by Cytiva

Cell culture filtration products

High-performance sterile filtration for media, protein purification, and cell culture

Stellar Mass Spectrometer

Stellar Mass Spectrometer by Thermo Fisher Scientific

High-Sensitivity Mass Spectrometer for Fast Biomarker Validation

Boost lab efficiency with 10x improved quantitation and multi-analyte automation

mass spectrometers
Antibody Stabilizer

Antibody Stabilizer by CANDOR Bioscience

Protein and antibody stabilisation made easy

Long-term storage without freezing - Simple application, reliable protection

stabilization solutions
CFX Opus

CFX Opus by Bio-Rad Laboratories

Modern qPCR system: Calibration-free & networked

Ensure consistent results and flexible data management for gene expression analysis and GMO testing

real-time PCR thermocyclers

Select laboratory products for your application


LenS3 by Tosoh

Precise macromolecule analysis from 2-50 nm for UHPLC and SEC

Improved sensitivity and signal quality with green laser - now measure molecular weight and size directly

MALS detectors


Air bubble-free chromatography on a pilot scale

Easy handling and biocompatible metal-free flow path

LC columns


Cryo-TEM: Fast and stable data acquisition for biosamples

Increased efficiency in structural biology with automated sample loading system

Nexera XS inert

Nexera XS inert by Shimadzu

Reproducible and highly detectable chromatography for biomolecules

More reliability and clarity for your chromatography

UHPLC systems
LabChip® GXII Touch™

LabChip® GXII Touch™ by Revvity

High-throughput protein characterisation in 1 minute

Fast and precise analysis for reduced and non-reduced samples

protein analyzers

DigestPro by CEM

Automated protein digestion for high-throughput proteomics

Efficient and cost-effective sample preparation with modular customisation

digestion machines
LenS3 MALS Detector

LenS3 MALS Detector by Tosoh

Precise Characterization of Small Macromolecules from 2-50 NM for Uhplc 2-50 nm for UHPLC and SEC

MALS detectors
Customer Training and Education

Customer Training and Education by YMC

Advanced training in HPLC: Flexible and customised

Improve your laboratory performance with practice-orientated training courses on site or online

Octet R2 / Octet R4 / Octet R8

Octet R2 / Octet R4 / Octet R8 by Sartorius

Full power on 2, 4 or 8 channels: Label-free and GxP-compliant analysis of molecular interactions

Innovative label-free real-time protein quantification, binding kinetics and rapid screenings

protein analyzers

Eclipse by Wyatt Technology

FFF-MALS system for separation and characterization of macromolecules and nanoparticles

The latest and most innovative FFF system designed for highest usability, robustness and data quality


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