DSM and Crucell Sign Agreement with Avid Bioservices to Serve as U.S. Contract Manufacturer of PER.C6 Cell Line Proteins


DSM Biologics and Crucell N.V. announced that they have entered into an agreement with Avid Bioservices, Inc. of Tustin, California to join their Vendor Network. Under the terms of the agreement, Avid will be a pre-approved contract manufacturer (CMO) for licensees of the PER.C6® cell line located in the western U.S. Avid is the first U.S.-based contract manufacturer to be awarded this status.

Karen King, president of DSM Biologics notes, "We are confident that Avid's excellent reputation and service level will be instrumental in making the PER.C6® technology available to licensees on the West Coast, bringing our technology to a wider regional base as we continue to grow globally."

Steven W. King, president of Avid Bioservices added "We are honored to achieve the distinction of being the first pre-approved U.S.-based CMO to manufacture proteins and antibodies using the PER.C6® cell line. The PER.C6® technology is recognized throughout our industry as providing important advantages compared to other platforms, including serum-free medium, scalability and high productivity levels making the system an ideal fit for Avid."

Crucell and DSM announced a breakthrough in the production of IgG antibodies using Crucell's PER.C6® technology. By employing the PER.C6® human cell line and DSM's proprietary XD(TM) technology, a record yield of over 27 grams per liter has been achieved.

Other terms of the agreement were not disclosed. Avid Bioservices is a wholly owned subsidiary of Peregrine Pharmaceuticals Inc.

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