Merck & Co., Inc. and Crucell Sign Cross-licensing Agreement on Vaccine Production Technology


Crucell N.V. announced that it has signed a cross-licensing agreement with Merck & Co., Inc. In addition to previously licensed rights to PER.C6, the agreement opens the way for Merck to use Crucell technology on an exclusive basis in additional undisclosed vaccine fields. In return, Crucell receives access to Merck's large scale manufacturing technology for its AdVac®-based vaccines.

"This agreement will make it possible to speed up the delivery of our malaria and TB vaccines to the people in need, and makes it realistic to do so on the mass scale required," said Jaap Goudsmit, Chief Scientific Officer at Crucell. "It also opens the way for Crucell to speed up the Ebola program with the VRC, which has recently entered a phase I clinical trial. But most importantly, it brings the reality of vaccines such as these significantly closer."

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