Monoclonal Antibody Therapies Continue Rapid Growth in Cancer Market


New York. The worldwide market for cancer therapeutics based on monoclonal antibodies is continuing a dramatic growth curve, according to a new study released today from Kalorama Information. In only their third year on the market, revenues from monoclonals for the treatment of cancer are growing at nearly 40% annually.

The new study, "Monoclonal Antibodies in Cancer Therapy: Emerging Products and Markets," found that with expected product introductions and continuing clinical penetration, the now $3 to $4 billion industry, will approach almost $13 billion by 2008.

"Unlike other big-ticket drug areas, competition is limited in this market because of the very specific target each product is approved for," notes Melissa Elder, author of the report. "However, even if one area is being target well, such as Genentech in lymphoma, other areas, such as lung cancer, are considerably in need of attention. There is plenty of opportunity."

At least two (and as many as five) emerging monoclonal antibody-based cancer products will hit the market in 2005 according to the report which reviews over 120 products in currently in development. The study covers these emerging product and currently available treatments in eight oncology areas, projecting product launches, revenues, and competitive market positions of the major developers.

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Topic world Antibodies

Topic world Antibodies

Antibodies are specialized molecules of our immune system that can specifically recognize and neutralize pathogens or foreign substances. Antibody research in biotech and pharma has recognized this natural defense potential and is working intensively to make it therapeutically useful. From monoclonal antibodies used against cancer or autoimmune diseases to antibody-drug conjugates that specifically transport drugs to disease cells - the possibilities are enormous