Medical Services to Form Joint Venture in China


Edmonton, Alberta -- Medical Services International Inc. is pleased to announce that it has entered into discussions with a Chinese Pharmaceutical Company with an excellent distribution system throughout the People's Republic of China. The purpose of the joint venture will be to research and develop other necessary rapid test kits that are needed in China and get them to market as quickly as possible. The Pharmaceutical Company has reviewed the testing and test data that has been completed to date related to the VScan HIV and Hepatitis B test kits and has been very impressed with the results. It is felt that the joint venture will allow Medical Services to bring its other test kits to the market in China very quickly. The joint venture does not include the VScan HIV test kit except for the fact Medical Services will be able to market the HIV test kits through their distribution system and is included in the overall marketing plan.

On April 15, 2004, the Chinese Government put out a press release where they announced free AIDS/HIV testing for the entire Chinese population. With the testing of its HIV test kit nearing completion and based on the excellent test results obtained during the testing and the fact that the VScan HIV test kit can be used in any environment, does not require refrigeration, uses whole blood and does not need trained medical personnel or medical facilities, the Company has every expectation that it will be an active participant in the testing program.

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