NOXXON appoints Aram Mangasarian as CEO

16-Jul-2015 - Germany

NOXXON Pharma has appointed Dr. Aram Mangasarian as the new CEO. He is taking over from Iain Buchanan, who will be nominated to join the Supervisory Board as a non-executive director.

Aram Mangasarian joined NOXXON in May 2010 where he has led business development as Chief Business Officer, working closely with Iain Buchanan on the Executive Committee of the Company.

Iain Buchanan, who took up his role as CEO of the company in September 2010, steps down from the operational day-to-day business, but will continue to work with the management team before he will rejoin the Supervisory Board as non-executive director.

Aram Mangasarian said: “Becoming the CEO of NOXXON is a new challenge which I am delighted to accept. The Company has developed a new class of therapeutics – Spiegelmers – whose intrinsic properties could help many patients respond more effectively to anti-cancer therapy. My intention is to focus our efforts around cancer where I believe our products could have the greatest impact.”

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