Provence Technologies launches new USD 1.7 million research programme

Screening 1000, the research project conducted by Provence Technologies, is set up to find and market a new ultra-pure molecule

30-Jan-2013 - France

Provence Technologies announces the launch of Screening 1000, a new USD 1.7 million (EUR 1.3 million) research programme with the goal of discovering a new ultra-pure molecule for the healthcare market. The project is being launched by the R&D department of Provence Technologies and is being co-financed equally by Oseo, the French innovation promotion agency and Provence Technologies. The programme is planned to run for two years and aims to develop a new range of products.

Screening 1000 will firstly analyse 1000 chemical compounds already on the market and detect those that show anomalies in purity. The use of already known compounds allows an existing range to be optimised, thereby reducing development costs.

Provence Technologies will then focus on new compounds with the most promising market potential. To help achieve this, the company will develop new approaches to purification and synthesis, making it possible to meet the purity levels required by health regulations.

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