Ablynx regains rights from Pfizer to nanobodies targeting TNF-alpha

08-Nov-2011 - Belgium

Ablynx announced that it has regained worldwide rights from Pfizer Inc. to develop and commercialise Nanobodies targeting TNF-alpha. These rights include the product ATN-103, for which positive proof-of-concept data from a Phase II trial in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were announced in May of this year; and the product PF-05230905, which is in Phase I trials.  Ablynx will undertake a detailed review of the programmes before deciding how to proceed.

The 2006 agreement which Ablynx entered into with Wyeth (acquired by Pfizer in 2009)  has been terminated and all licensed rights under Ablynx intellectual property relating to the anti-TNF-alpha programmes are being returned to Ablynx. In addition, Ablynx will also obtain certain Pfizer intellectual property and know-how relating to the anti-TNF-alpha programmes and will have access to Pfizer's existing clinical trial supplies of ATN-103 and PF-05230905, assay methods and manufacturing processes for use in future development activities.  In return for these rights and assets, after potential regulatory approval of the first anti-TNF-alpha Nanobody, Ablynx will start to share with Pfizer, milestone payments it receives from any third party licensee of the anti-TNF-alpha Nanobody programmes,  up to a capped amount of $50 million, as well as paying a royalty on sales of such products.

Dr Jose-Carlos Gutierrez-Ramos, Head of BioTherapeutics Research and Development, Pfizer, added: "We have enjoyed a very productive collaboration with Ablynx. Our decision to return this programme to Ablynx was made as part of Pfizer's portfolio review process. We wish Ablynx success with ATN-103 and PF-05230905."

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