Aquarray has made great steps forward

Aquarray has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020

09-Apr-2020 - Germany

After winning an SME Instruments grant within the Horizon 2020 framework of the European Union, Aquarray is pushing the further development of its Droplet Microarray technology.

With a multi-million budget, Aquarray is able to further develop the Droplet Microarray (DMA) for personalised medicine applications.

The DMA is Aquarray’s patented technology for miniaturized cell cultivation, ultra-high throughput screening (uHTS) and biochemical assay platforms. The DMA delivers the potential of microarray technologies to the field of cell based screening systems. Aquarray opens multiplexing opportunities to research areas all the way from basic research through industrial uHTS to clinical applications.

The new CEO, Dr. Wolfgang Sipos, who started his career with Roche Diagnostics and has successfully built up and sold own businesses in the life science area, will lead the team of Dr. Pavel Levkin, who is group leader of the Multifunctional Materials Systems research group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

The grant was possible, without external investors, through funding by the founders and the new CEO, whereby a large part was financed by Prof. Dr. Gunter Festel, who is a business angel and a co-founder of Aquarray.

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