LTKfarma pursues development of proprietary TK therapy

13-Jan-2010 - France

LTKfarma announces that in the patent litigation initiated against Molmed S.p.A. by Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) and LTKfarma on June 8, 2007, and based on the Italian part of European patent EP 0 564 646, the Court of Milan ruled on October 21, 2009, that the plaintiffs had the standing to bring the suit.

Because of lack of sufficient evidence of an imminent marketing of the TK therapy by Molmed, the Court rejected UPMC and LTKfarma’s claims. Nevertheless, considering the claims of UPMC and LTKfarma legitimate in substance, the Court rejected Molmed’s counterclaim for awarding “punitive” damages.

In conclusion, the Italian part of European patent EP 0 564 646 remains in force. UPMC and LTKfarma will pursue their efforts for a proper respect of their rights on proprietary TK therapy.

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