Generex Announces Agreement with the Immune Tolerance Network

23-Apr-2009 - USA

Generex Biotechnology Corporation announced that Antigen Express, Inc., the Company’s wholly-owned immunotherapeutics subsidiary, and the Immune Tolerance Network have signed an agreement aimed at implementing a better diagnostic test for Type I Diabetes. The diagnostic test is based on technology being developed by Antigen Express. The ability to identify patients with autoimmune or Type I Diabetes earlier and more accurately would greatly benefit the management of such patients.

The proprietary technology being developed at Antigen Express allows for more potent and specific activation of immune cells (CD4+ T helper cells), both after immunization and using blood cells ex vivo. In Type I Diabetes, these cells become aberrantly activated to recognize proteins associated with cells involved in insulin secretion, which ultimately leads to the destruction of these cells. Antigen Express technology allows for the more sensitive detection of these inappropriately activated cells in the blood.

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