UHPLC columns:

YMC-Accura Triart (U)HPLC Columns

Highly accurate results from the first injection: bioinert coated YMC-Accura Triart (U)HPLC columns

YMC Europe GmbH

YMC-Accura Triart (U)HPLC columns are equipped with a bi ...

Coordinating small molecules, several (phosphorylated) peptides and proteins, oligonucleotides or phospholipids tend to interact with column hardware even with so called inert metals such as stainless steel or titanium. The adsorption of these substances on metallic surfaces usually results in peak tailing, carry-over and reduced recovery. This phenomenon especially occurs with new columns used without pre-conditioning.

The recently introduced YMC-Accura Triart (U)HPLC columns feature a bioinert surface coating of the column body and frits. The robust bioinert coating used on YMC-Accura hardware is 130 to 320-fold thicker making it more durable than other similar hardware concepts. A long-term inertness against sensitive substances is ensured. YMC-Accura Triart columns provide excellent peak shapes for sensitive compounds, prevent carry-over and ensure the recovery. Furthermore, YMC-Accura Triart columns can be used without pre-conditioning. All 8 YMC-Triart stationary phases are available as inert YMC-Accura columns, with 1.9 µm for UHPLC and 3 or 5 µm for HPLC.

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YMC-Accura Triart (U)HPLC columns are equipped with a bioinert coating of the column body and frits.

UHPLC columns: YMC-Accura Triart (U)HPLC Columns

Highly accurate results from the first injection: bioinert coated YMC-Accura Triart (U)HPLC columns

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Topic world HPLC

HPLC is a key technology in modern analytical chemistry. It enables the separation, identification and quantification of components in complex mixtures with high precision and efficiency. Whether in the analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the quality control of foodstuffs or the examination of biological samples - HPLC is often the method of choice for demanding separation tasks.

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Topic world HPLC

Topic world HPLC

HPLC is a key technology in modern analytical chemistry. It enables the separation, identification and quantification of components in complex mixtures with high precision and efficiency. Whether in the analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the quality control of foodstuffs or the examination of biological samples - HPLC is often the method of choice for demanding separation tasks.

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