Carl Zeiss Meditec AG wins patent infringement action on trifocal intraocular lens

29-Mar-2017 - Germany

The patent protects a special aphakic intraocular lens (IOL), with which light can be focused on three focal points (near, intermediate and distance vision). The patented trifocal lens reduces the impact of pupil shrinkage and lens eccentricity.

VSY Biotechnology BV and its exclusive supplier Fritz Ruck Ophthalmologische Systeme GmbH were convicted by the court to recall all their trifocal lenses on the market and destroy all such lenses in their possession.

Intraocular lenses are used primarily to treat cataracts. In recent years, the development of innovative new lenses has considerably enhanced treatment options. Trifocal intraocular lenses such as the ZEISS AT LISA® tri and the AT LISA® tri toric enable patients to see well at all distances – often without them needing eyeglasses.

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