Dr Barry Buckland Joins the Mucosis Supervisory Board

16-Nov-2010 - Netherlands

Mucosis B.V. announced that Dr. Barry Buckland was elected to its Supervisory Board. Dr Buckland brings extensive experience in vaccine design and development.

From 1996 to 2009, Dr. Buckland was Vice President, BioProcess R&D at Merck & Co, Inc. He built the unit and was responsible for process development for 14 new commercial products, including 10 new vaccines. More recently Dr Buckland has been a consultant to Hilleman Laboratories, the vaccine venture established between Merck and The Wellcome Trust. Dr Buckland received many professional and academic honors, including the 2008 Marvin Johnson Award from the American Chemical Society for lifetime contribution to biotechnology. He has authored 77 scientific papers.

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