Revolution in the pharmaceutical industry? Swiss startup launches AI-based software for clinical trials

Protocol AI accelerates clinical trial development and patient access to therapies

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Risklick, a spin-off from the University of Bern, launched Protocol AI, the first software of its kind, marking a turning point in the pharmaceutical industry. Utilizing artificial intelligence, Protocol AI accelerates clinical trial development, reduces costs, and enhances safety standards. This innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize clinical trials worldwide, providing millions of patients with faster access to life-saving therapies.

Developing new therapies typically requires an average of ten years and costs up to two billion dollars for companies. The most time-consuming and costly aspect of this process is the clinical trials, which are mandatory for validating new treatments before commercialization. These trials are complex, often resulting in significant delays or failures that impact both the cost and availability of new treatments for patients.

Clinical trials rely on complex protocols developed by experts, which describe all practical modalities of conducting the trial. Developing a protocol demands an average of 15 months of intensive work, where errors can have disastrous consequences.

To address these challenges, Risklick has developed Protocol AI, which reduces development time and costs by up to 35%, facilitating patient access to therapies. By analyzing existing clinical data using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLM), Protocol AI facilitates evidence-based decision-making and automatic drafting of clinical trial protocols within minutes.

Protocol AI allows experts to reduce protocol development time while ensuring quality and increasing trial success rates, ultimately paving the way for medical innovation and improving patient lives worldwide.

Risklick has partnered with leading biotechnology and medical device companies, including Debiopharm and ISS AG. Advanced Clinical, a clinical research organization, values Protocol AI's technological innovation, recognizing its transformative capability in revolutionizing clinical trial design and enhancing industry access to accurate therapeutic data.

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