Biota appoints new Director

03-Feb-2010 - Australia

Biota Holdings Limited confirmed the appointment of Professor Jeffery Errington FRS FMedSci as a Non-Executive Director.

Professor Jeffery (Jeff) Errington is a scientist in the field of microbial cell and molecular biology and a Fellow of the Royal Society. He is currently the Director of the Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences and the Director of the Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology at Newcastle University. He is a authority on the biochemical pathways responsible for bacterial replication, an essential pre-requisite to the successful development of novel antibacterial drugs.

Biota’s Chairman, Jim Fox, reconfirmed Biota’s strategy of investment in anti-infective drug discovery and acknowledged Jeff’s past contribution to innovation in this area. He welcomed Jeff to the Board and looked forward to the contribution he would bring.

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