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Benzedrine is the trade name of the racemic mixture of amphetamine (dl-amphetamine). It was marketed under this brandname in the USA by Smith, Kline and French in the form of inhalers, starting in 1928. Benzedrine was used to enlarge nasal and bronchial passages and it is closely related to other stimulants produced later, such as Dexedrine (d-amphetamine) and methamphetamine.

Early users of the Benzedrine inhaler discovered that it had a euphoric stimulant effect, resulting in it being one of the earliest synthetic stimulants to be widely used for recreational (i.e., non-medical) purposes. Even though this drug was intended for inhalation, many people abused it by cracking the container open and swallowing the paper strip inside, which was covered in Benzedrine. The strips were often rolled into small balls and swallowed, or taken with coffee or alcohol. The drug was often referred to as "Bennies" by users and in literature.

Because of the stimulant side effect, physicians discovered that amphetamine could also be used to treat narcolepsy. This led to the production of Benzedrine in tablet form.

In the 1940s and 1950s reports began to emerge about the abuse of Benzedrine inhalers, and in 1949, doctors began to move away from prescribing Benzedrine as a bronchodilator and appetite suppressant. In 1959, the FDA made it a prescription drug in the United States. Benzedrine and derived amphetamines were used as a stimulant for armed forces in World War II and Vietnam.

When Benzedrine became a controlled substance, it was replaced by Propylhexedrine (also known as Hexahydrodesoxyephedrine). Propylhexedrine was also manufactured by Smith, Kline and French and was marketed under the name Benzedrex. Although Benzedrex has only slight potential for abuse, it has been the cause of death by intravenous use. The Benzedrex inhaler is still available today, but is no longer manufactured by Smith, Kline and French.

Benzedrine should not be confused with the fundamentally different substance Benzphetamine.

In Ian Fleming's novel Live and Let Die, the character James Bond receives benzedrine tablets amongst other materials intended to aid him in a mission. Bond takes a tablet and later credits its effect with preventing him from fainting after severe injury. Bond also mixes benzedrine into his champagne glass in order to be more alert for a game of bridge in the novel Moonraker. Benzedrine is also the drug of choice of Bond's nemesis Le Chiffre in Fleming's first novel, Casino Royale, albeit administered via an inhaler.

Benzedrine is also referenced in the song "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" by R.E.M. Much earlier, in 1946, a minor hit record by Harry Gibson was, "Who Put the Benzedrine in Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine," which was a song about a women who partied at all the nightclubs and lost a lot of weight doing so. One line in the song was, "The benzedrine's the thing that makes her swing."

See also

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