TOLREMO therapeutics


About TOLREMO therapeutics

TOLREMO therapeutics AG ("TOLREMO") is a Swiss biotechnology company that was spun out of ETH Zurich in 2017. Based on cutting-edge science and guided by pioneering real-world medicine, TOLREMO created a broad cancer drug resistance platform that provides a unique entry point into a major clinical problem. In two parallel R&D programs the company develops resistance-breaking add-on therapies that extend the therapeutic benefit of oncogene-targeting cancer drugs (Adaptive Drug Resistance Program) and anti-angiogenic cancer drugs (Hypoxia-Driven Drug Resistance Program). TOLREMO's unique drug resistance platform has the potential to catalyze a new wave of potent resistance-breaking molecules that will meaningfully extend the lives of patients suffering from cancer.

TOLREMO is headquartered on the ETH Hönggerberg campus in Zurich, Switzerland, where the company is part of a dynamic scientific and entrepreneurial community composed of world-leading academic research laboratories, flourishing life sciences spin-offs and cutting-edge technology platforms. TOLREMO enjoys broad access to state-of-the art ETH infrastructure including laboratory space and an industry standard robotic screening facility.

Facts about TOLREMO therapeutics
  • Founding: 2017
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Employees: 1-10
  • Industry : Pharma

Product portfolio of TOLREMO therapeutics

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