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6 Infografiken zum Thema Methanthiol


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The Chemistry of the Odour of Decomposition

It’s worth taking a look at the decomposition process as a whole. Decomposition can be roughly divided into four stages: the fresh stage, the bloated stage, the active decay stage and the advanced decay stage. Some overviews of the process also add in a final stage, when all that is left of the ...


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Why Does Asparagus Make Urine Smell?

The Chemistry of Asparagus

The latest food chemistry graphic looks at the chemistry of asparagus – specifically, why it causes the urine of some (but not all) people to smell. Over the past forty years several papers have been published on the subject, and several studies undertaken, to try and determine the chemical ...


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The Chemistry of Camembert

The creaminess of camembert is bested by few other cheeses – but it also has a strong smell to rival blue cheeses that reminds you of its presence in your fridge! Additionally, unlike many other cheeses, as it’s left for longer its insides start to become more gooey. Here we take a look at some ...


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The Chemistry of the Smell of Toilets & Human Waste

Today’s postmarks a slight detour for the aroma chemistry series. So far, we’ve look mainly at pleasant aromas, but today we turn to a major malodour: that of toilets, and, more specifically, human waste. It might seem like something of a childish subject, but there are some interesting chemical ...


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Die chemischen Verbindungen im Aroma des Kaffees

Ob Sie ein Kaffeegenießer sind oder völlig ungeduldig, wie Sie Ihren Koffeinschub bekommen, der Duft des frisch gebrühten Kaffees am Morgen ist belebend. Die Chemie dieses Aromas ist jedoch alles andere als einfach; dafür ist eine komplexe Ansammlung von chemischen Verbindungen verantwortlich, ...


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The Chemistry of Body Odours

Sweat, Halitosis, Flatulence & Cheesy Feet

Halitosis In the majority of cases, the cause of bad breath, or halitosis, is the product of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria produce waste products, and it’s these chemical compounds that contribute towards halitosis. The phenomenon of ‘coffee breath’ has been linked by the Journal of ...


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