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7 Infografiken zum Thema Linalool


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Die Chemie der Mumifizierung

Mumien sind vielleicht das einfachste Kostüm für Halloween: Schnappt euch ein paar Verbände, drapiert euch darin und macht eure Arbeit. Hinter dem traditionellen Einbalsamierungsverfahren im alten Ägypten verbirgt sich jedoch noch etwas mehr, ebenso wie eine überraschende Menge an Chemie. Hier ...


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Why Can Coriander Taste Soapy?

The Chemistry of Coriander

I wasn’t aware of this until recently, being a fan of coriander myself, but apparently there are quite a few people for whom coriander (referred to as cilantro in the US)has a rather unpleasant soapy, or even metallic, taste. The cause of this has its roots in the chemical composition of ...


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The Chemistry of Plums & Prunes

Constipation & Chewing Gum

Dried plums, more commonly referred to as prunes, have a reputation for being a good remedy for constipation. This is, in part, due to their high fibre content – but is there actually any proof for their efficacy? And if so, are there additional chemical reasons? This graphic takes a look at the ...


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Chemical Compounds in Herbs & Spices

It’s often stated that cooking is much like chemistry, or vice versa. I thought it’d be fun to take that a little further, and look at the major organic compounds present in various different herbs and spices that are frequently used in cooking, so that’s what this poster tries to do. Obviously, ...


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The Chemistry of Elderflowers & Elderberries

Aroma, Colour, & Toxicity

In late May and early June, the winding pathways of the English countryside arefestooned with the delicatewhite blooms of the elderflower. As the end of the summer eventually arrives, these blooms will have been transformed, and the bushes will be heaving under the weight of clusters of ...


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The Chemistry of Gin (And Tonic!)

For the fifthin the ‘Alcohol Chemistry’ series, we turn to gin. As with other types of alcohol, there are a huge number of different chemical compounds present, but it’s possible to identify a range of significant chemical contributors to its aroma & flavour. Here, we take a look at those ...


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The Chemical Compounds Behind the Smell of Flowers

Roses Their scent is majorly influenced by compound named after the flower, (-)-cis-rose oxide. This molecule is a particular isomer of rose oxide (which has 4 different isomers), and the one which contributes the typical floral rose fragrance. Carnations Carnations, too, are a common component ...


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