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6 Infografiken zum Thema Bakterien


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Acetic Acid – Vinegar & Volcanoes

Everyday Chemicals

Acetic acid also has the name ethanoic acid, though this is less commonly used. Most people will know of its presence in vinegar, from which its name is derived –it originates from the latin word for vinegar. In vinegar acetic acid is generated by fermentation, which produces ethanol, and then ...


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Die chemischen Verbindungen hinter dem Geruch des Regens

Jeder kennt den Geruch nach einem heftigen Regenschauer im Sommer - oder gar den ominösen Geruch eines aufziehenden Gewitters. Im dritten Teil der Reihe Aromachemie betrachtet diese Grafik die chemischen Verbindungen, die am meisten zu diesen Gerüchen beitragen, und wie sie entstehen.Je nachdem, ...


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The Chemical Compounds Behind the Scent of the Sea

The summer holidays are here, which means there’ll soon be crowds flocking to the coast to spend the day at the beach. The supposed benefits of ‘fresh sea air’ are commonly extolled, but its origins might not be what you think:it’s the chemical compounds produced by algae and seaweed that ...


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A Brief Summary of Disinfectants & Antiseptics

Ever wondered what compounds help kitchen cleaners keep your kitchen surfaces bacteria free? Or about the compounds that help antiseptic creams do their job? In this graphic, we take a look at some of the compounds used for antisepsis and disinfection, and where they’re commonly used.


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A Brief Overview of Classes of Antibiotics

When we’re suffering from a bacterial infection, a trip to the doctors to be prescribed antibiotics is commonplace.However, there are a wide range of antibiotics available, and they vary both in their usage and their mechanismof action. This graphic summarises the major classes, and also gives ...


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Teixobactin - A New Antibiotic

And A New Way to Find More

If you’ve read any science news over the past day or so, you’ll have noticed it’s been dominated by stories about the discovery of a new antibiotic, teixobactin. There’s a reason that the scientific community is so excited by its discovery, but in truth, it’s the method which was used to discover ...


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