Customized solutions for preparative liquid handling systems from LABOMATIC have no limitations in terms of dimensions, number of samples or sample volume and offer maximum variability for all applications. Do you want to prepare really large volumes in your routine prep lab? For example, do you want to create a library of drug candidates for preclinical or even clinical studies? Your lab should take on more important tasks than just lugging around bottles. In addition, analytical results should automatically generate your liquid handling system? We recommend our LH-5000 for this purpose - and with an RFID label directly on each bottle, identifying fractions will be a simple matter.
Other advantages:
FS- 5000 Franktion Collector Module.
CL-5000 Online Cleaning Module.
AS-5000 Autosampler Module.
DS-3000 RFID module - data storage on fraction container.
combinable with laboratory robot systems - also in ATEX
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Liquid handling systems: LH-5000
The giant among liquid handling platforms
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Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory
The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.

Topic world Digitalization in the laboratory
The topic world Digitalization in the lab presents innovations and trends from digital data systems (ELN, LIMS) to laboratory robots and networked devices (IoT) to AI and machine learning.