Next step in R&D cooperation between AVEBE and BASF Plant Science

19-Apr-2011 - Germany

The potato starch manufacturer AVEBE and the plant biotechnology company BASF Plant Science confirmed the next step in their cooperation to develop genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potatoes. BASF Plant Science assumes ownership for the genetically enhanced amylopectin starch potato Modena. Modena was developed by AVEBE and is currently in the approval process for commercial use in Europe.

Gerben Meursing, Managing Director of Commerce from AVEBE said “Through the cooperation with BASF Plant Science, AVEBE will be able to enhance the commercialization of its plant biotechnology knowledge. The potential of the positive environmental impact during cultivation will be better accessible, with genetically enhanced varieties leading to higher yields per acre. This step is beneficial for our stakeholders in the potato starch value chain.”

In December 2010, both companies already announced the plan to bundle their competencies for the development of amylopectin starch potatoes. The cooperation started with the development of a late blight resistant amylopectin starch potato.

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