Start-up Dynamic42 and Biopredic join for strategic Marketing agreement

New partnership to promote pioneering in vitro systems in drug development


In the Dynamic42 laboratory

The organ-on-chip specialist Dynamic42 GmbH and Biopredic, manufacturer of assay systems for research, announce a strategic Marketing agreement. The joint partnership aims to advance the development of in vitro assay systems by using human-relevant models in the early phase of drug development.

The collaboration combines Dynamic42’s extensive know-how in the development of miniaturized human organ models (so-called organ-on-chip models) for drug testing using HepaRG™, the unique human hepatic cell model produced by Biopredic.

Dynamic42 uses the HepaRG™ model as an adequate surrogate to human primary hepatocytes (the “gold standard”) in their liver models for research purposes. Those liver models serve a critical aspect in drug development as they help to assess potential adverse effects of drugs on the liver, a vital organ responsible for metabolization and detoxification in the body. The liver model developed by Dynamic42 enables “bloodstream-like” intravenous drug application and detection of drug-induced liver injury.

Dynamic42 and Biopredic will work together to develop new applications based on Biopredic assay systems and Dynamic42 technologies. Joint Marketing activities are planned, including conference participation, joint presentations, and webinars.

“The strategic partnership with Biopredic marks an important milestone for Dynamic42. The integration of Biopredic cells with our organ models opens new opportunities for researchers and demonstrates our shared commitment to advancing methods in drug development,” says Dr. Knut Rennert, CEO of Dynamic42. “By combining our technologies, we will improve the quality and robustness of human organ model applications,” Dr. Rennert added.

“The combination of Biopredic assay models with Dynamic42 3D Microphysiological technologies would be very promising to upgrade the in vitro systems and offer fit-for-purpose tools for multiple applications. This vision fits into the Biopredic strategy of developing new recombinant HepaRG™ models and other unique hepatic systems along with original probes to screen the hepatic functions,” says Dr. El Azzi at Biopredic.

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