Circ Pharma Limited Enters Into Development Agreement for Chrono Tramadol With Elan Corporation Plc

06-May-2009 - Ireland

Circ Pharma Limited and Elan Corporation plc announced that they have entered into a Development Agreement to develop a chronotherapeutic formulation of Tramadol for the treatment of moderate to moderately severe pain.

The product incorporates Circ Pharma's proprietary drug delivery technology enabling once daily dosing. Circ's technology provides for minimized delivery to the body during sleeping hours, acceleration of drug absorption immediately prior to the waking hours and the subsequent maintenance of efficacious drug levels for the remainder of the waking hours. Circ has successfully completed Phase I testing on the product. Circ Pharma intends to seek a licensing partner for worldwide commercial distribution of the product.

The agreement with Elan provides that Elan support the continued formulation and manufacturing activities required to seek regulatory approval for this product in the United States and elsewhere.

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