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4 Infografiken zum Thema Blut


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Die Chemie des Blutes

Halloween Spezial

Gefälschtes Blut ist ein unverzichtbares Accessoire, wenn Sie sich für einen blutigen Halloween-Look mit Ihrem Kostüm in diesem Jahr entscheiden. Es steckt viel Chemie in der Substanz, die Sie nachahmen wollen; wir können die Farbe, den Geruch und die verschiedenen Arten von Blut mit Hilfe der ...


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The Chemistry of the Colours of Bodily Fluids

A particular bodily fluid featured in the political newsearlier this week, which got me thinking about the chemical causes behind the colours of the waste products we expel from our bodies.What makes urine golden, faeces brown, and bile green? The answers to all of these questions have a common ...


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Crime Scene Chemistry

Luminol, Blood & Horseradish

Anyone who’s watched CSI or similar shows knows that, whenever the investigating team are on the scene of a gruesome and bloody murder, luminol solution gets sprayed liberally over absolutely everything. The result is a pale blue luminescence whenever the solution meets blood, which itself is a ...


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The Chemistry of The Colours of Blood

Human blood, as well as that of most other vertebrates, is red as a result of haemoglobin, a large protein found in red blood cells which contains iron atoms within its structure. Haemoglobin is what’s known as a respiratory pigment, and it plays a vital role in the body, ferrying oxygen around ...


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