Microscopy accessories
Optimize your fluorescence microscopy with premium accessories

Optical filters and light sources are crucial components in microscopy, spectral analysis and photonics to obtain precise imaging signals relevant for the respective measurement. This applies in particular to biophysical measurement methods such as fluorescence microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, which also include high-resolution techniques beyond the Abbe limit.
AHF analysentechnik offers optical filters that are robust and durable and have proven themselves in practical use in industry and research. The product range includes classic bandpass, short pass and long pass filters as well as customized multiband filters or beam splitters, which can also be equipped with very special substrates and delivered in different dimensions.
The LED light sources belong to the latest generation, are powerful, long-term stable, energy efficient, mercury-free and have a lifetime of up to 25000 hours. Matching filter sets are available for the respective LED light spectrum.
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Microscopy accessories: Microscopy accessories
Optimize your fluorescence microscopy with premium accessories