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Asbestos Project Monitor

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During an asbestos abatement project, project monitor is the representative of the building owner in which the project is being performed. Project monitor is usually hired by the general contractor or by the building owner, whereas other arrangements exist. Project monitor’s main job role is to ensure that the asbestos abatement project is being performed in accordance with the project specifications. Project Monitor has to ensure that no laws, whether state or local or both are not violated in the process of following the specifications. The specifications are a set or rules and steps which the abatement crew has to obey during the abatement process. Specifications or "Specs" are usually based on the actual laws so such situation in wich the specs violates or contradicts the laws are rare, but due exist. All throughout the project, project monitor is responsible for maintaining variety of records including the following: daily logs, containing crew’s activity description base on minimum of 1 (one) hour intervals, quality assurance check list, daily air monitoring status, etc. Project Monitor may also conduct air monitoring as long as he or she possesses the Certified Asbestos Technician Air Sampler Title. Project Monitor’s training covers the responsibilities of an air sampler and as far as training is concerned he/she is fully applicable for the Air Sampling Technician position after passing the test. During some portions of the project, project monitor is also required to perform inspections of the completed work. Based on these inspections he/she decides whether the project can continue onto the next phase. Project Monitor is trained to have an in-depth understanding of the work procedures as well as a good understanding of the health hazards associated with the job. Project Monitor has to make sure that he/she as well as the contractor's crew that is working under his supervision is following all the safety procedures including but not limiting to such things as dress code, safety procedures, encapsulation procedures, abatement procedures and finally cleanup procedures. Project Monitor’s main purpose on an asbestos abatement site is to represent the building owner and ensure proper asbestos removal, in such manner that does not violate any laws such as state and or local.[1]



Since an asbestos project monitor job title is an accredited one, in order to become a project monitor, one has to go through an initial 40 hour course if one has never before been accredited. The initial training focuses on safety, work procedures, collecting air samples, fiber-airdinamics, as well as laws rules and regulations regarding asbestos abatement.


  1. ^ Project Monitor Student Manual Big Apple Occupational Safety Corp., Big Apple Occupational Safety Corp.


  • Template:Big Apple Occupational Safety Corp., Course Agenda 2001, NYC Asbestos Project Monitor Student Manual

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This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Asbestos_Project_Monitor". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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