About EGeen

EGeen's key business focus is to conduct drug development via expeditious and cost-effective clinical trials by taking advantage of several unique assets built since the founding of the company in 2001.

The key assets of EGeen include proprietary clinical databases to identify potential trial participants, an extensive network of highly qualified medical doctors for rapid patient enrollment and a highly cost-effective infrastructure to carry out clinical trials in all major disease areas. In addition to the clinical database, EGeen's extensive capabilities for DNA and biomarker profile analyses allow the company, when appropriate, to complement the clinical trials with pharmacogenetics for more precise, individualized treatments.

EGeen is currently and will continue to be engaged in clinical trials under affordable fee-for-service arrangements.

EGeen is also in the process of discussing several cost-sharing arrangements where EGeen conducts clinical trials with reduced or no upfront resource requirement from the partners in exchange for downstream participation of sales.

In the longer term, EGeen will engage in clinical development of its proprietary compounds acquired through in-licensing.

EGeen is a privately-held US corporation headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area and employs over 40 personnel working in clinical development in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and in Ukraine.

Facts about EGeen
  • Focus : Service
  • Industry : Pharma

Product portfolio of EGeen

Product portfolio

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