About Oncodesign

Our mission is to discover and develop effective therapies against cancer. To reach this aim, we identify and validate molecular targets involved in cancer pathologies.

Our ambition is to become the world leader in the area of the preclinical evaluation of novel anticancer therapeutics. We want to define the most effective therapeutic strategies.

Your needs are at the heart of our interconnected departments and skills. We manage the resulting collaboration using a “Qualifying” approach based on an unrivaled technological platform. This approach permits us to identify and investigate the therapeutic potential of your molecules and validate their therapeutic efficacy. At each step of our collaboration, we provide added value for your therapies in order to enable you to gain maximum benefit from the results.

Our strategy is designed to reach our main objective: to discover and develop our own therapies against cancer. This strategy is based on two main phases: # 1. Development of a Service Unit. # 2. Internal therapy development.

Facts about Oncodesign
  • Focus : Service
  • Industry : Biotechnology

Product portfolio of Oncodesign

Product portfolio

News about Oncodesign

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