Stealthyx Therapeutics


About Stealthyx Therapeutics

Stealthyx Therapeutics Ltd has been established to exploit the intellectual property developed by Professor Yuti Chernajovsky at Barts and The London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of London. The Company's technology platform, Prothyx, is underpinned by extensive research programmes over many years, including specific work funded by the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Stealthyx has to date secured funding from the Kinetique Biomedical Seed fund and a University Translational Award by The Wellcome Trust.

Stealthyx will focus on the development of the Prothyx technology platform as a vehicle for drug delivery. In the first instance this will be applied to protein therapeutics, and work to validate this application of the technology is currently well underway. With the recent investment from The Wellcome Trust, Stealthyx is expanding the applications of the Prothyx platform to include small biologically active peptide molecules.

Facts about Stealthyx Therapeutics
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Pharma

Product portfolio of Stealthyx Therapeutics

Product portfolio

protein therapeutics

Here you will find Stealthyx Therapeutics Limited