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SafetyLit is a bibliographic citation index and online update of recently published scholarly research of relevance to those interested in the broad field of injury prevention and safety promotion. Like the US National Library of Medicine's PubMed system, SafetyLit is a free service that is distributed without commercial messages. There are many online literature databases. Most are subscription-based and are available only through a library. Typically, these databases focus on a specific scientific discipline. For example, PubMed has a bio-medicine focus, PsycINFO focuses upon behavioral issues, Compendex on engineering, etc.

The issues relevant to safety research and policy development, however, arise from many specialties. Thus, SafetyLit draws its content from many disciplines but selects articles that are relevant to the issues of injury prevention and safety promotion from over over 2900 scholarly journals in the physical, biological and social sciences, as well as engineering, medicine, and the applied social sciences.

Information about the journals indexed in SafetyLit is found in the SafetyLit Journals Database that lists journal title and current publisher, title abbreviation, both the print and electronic International Standard Serial Number (pISSN and eISSN), the range of years the journal has been published, the journal's previous or subsequent titles, and a link to the journal's pages on the publisher's website.

SafetyLit, initiated in 1998, is a cooperative project of the San Diego State University College of Health & Human Services and the World Health Organization - Department of Injuries and Violence Prevention.


Pless, IB (2007), " ", Injury Prevention 13 (3): 145-146, DOI 10.1136/ip.2007.016170

Lawrence, DW; Guard, A & Meier, A et al. (2006), " ", Safety Science 44 (4): 279-296, DOI 10.1016/j.ssci.2005.10.006

Nilsen, P (2004), " ", Injury Prevention 10 (5): 268-274, DOI 10.1136/ip.2004.005744

Pless, IB (2003), " ", Injury Prevention 9 (4): 289-291

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "SafetyLit". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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