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Multiple breast syndrome

Multiple Breast Syndrome is a condition where the patient is born with, or develops, a multitude of extra breasts. Most prevalent in male humans, it often goes untreated as it is mostly harmless, although in recent years many affected women have had plastic surgery operations to remove additional breasts for purely aesthetic reasons. MBS is not a recently appearing disease, but was only documented in 1923 for the first time by Dr. Rosamund Eghardt, lending the condition the alternative, less popular, name of Eghardt's Syndrome (ES). The disease receives very little publicity, and few papers or articles have been published on the subject from which information can be drawn, as in most cases the affected patients have no wish to publicise their condition, and being caused by a known genetic mutation little research has been done in the past thirty years. Additionally, the operation to correct MBS is a simple one, and is therefore documented only in one or two medical manuals.


1. 'A Paper on the Appearance of Multiple Mammaries in Humans', R. Eghardt, Oxford University Press (1923)

2. 'Weird Diseases', B. Hargreaves and M. Wallette, Emu Publishing(2007)

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Multiple_breast_syndrome". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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