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Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
(unranked) Rhizaria
Phylum: Cercozoa
Subphylum: Monadofilosa
Cavalier-Smith, 1997

Monadofilosa is one of three subphyla of Phylum Cercozoa, the other two being Phytomyxa and Reticulofilosa. These organisms are single-celled amoeboid protists. Monadofilosa includes the testaceans, which are testate filose amoebae, and the cercomonads.

The testaceans live both in marine and freshwater habitats, and in mosses. Members include Lecythium, Pseudodifflugia, Euglypha, and Paulinella chromatophora.

Cercomonads are zooflagellates that glide on their posterior cilium and/or generate filopodia. Members of this group contain Cryothecomonas, Thaumatomonas, which is covered with siliceous scales, and Cercomonas, which is nake. Cercomonas contains several species that show exhibit amoeboid movement, such as the testate amoeba Cyphoderia, and the flagellateCryothecomonas.

Monadofilosa is sometimes treated as a superclass rather than a subphylum.


  • Hausmann, K., Hulsmann, N., & Radek, R. (2003) Protistology: third completely revised edition. Berlin: E. Schweizerbart'sche.
  • IngentaConnect. (2003). Phylogeny and classification of phylum cercozoa (protozoa). Retrieved November 5, 2006, from
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