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Benedict Stilling

Benedikt Stilling (February 11, 1810 - January 28, 1879) was a German anatomist and surgeon who was a native of Kirchhain. In 1832 he received his doctorate from the University of Marburg. Later he had a private practice in Kassel, and travelled extensively throughout Europe, particularly Paris, where he collaborated with famed physicians such as Claude Bernard (1813-1873), Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) and Jean Zuléma Amussat (1796-1856).

Stilling is largely remembered for his work in neurology. He performed extensive research involving the structure of the cerebellum, as well as histological studies of the pons. In 1840 he provided a comprehensive, detailed study of the vasomotoric nervous system in a treatise called Physiologisch-pathologische und medicinisch-praktische Untersuchungen über die Spinal-Irritation. He is also remembered for introducing a procedure of serial-section portrayal (thin slicing) of spinal cord specimens for histological study.

Stilling performed the first ovariotomy in Germany, using an extraperitoneal technique that minimized excessive internal bleeding. This procedure is explained in his paper, Geschichte einer Exstirpation eines krankhaft vergrösserten Ovariums. He was the father of German ophthalmologist Jakob Stilling (1842-1915).

Eponyms associated with Benedict Stilling:


  • Who Named It?; Benedict Stilling
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