Berufsgenossenschaftliches Universitätsklinikum Bergmannsheil GmbH

About Uniklinik Bergmannsheil

Bergmannsheil, known in Germany as Berufsgenossenschaftliches Universitätsklinikum Bergmannsheil, was established in 1890 as the world’s first casualty clinic for treating injured mine workers. Today, it represents the structural transformation of Germany’s Ruhrgebiet district like no other hospital. Bergmannsheil is one of today’s most sophisticated, effective acute care hospitals for maximum medical care, and as the clinic affiliated with the Ruhr University Bochum it has additionally made a name for itself in the fields of science and research. In keeping with the workplace accidents and work-related illnesses medical professional association’s motto of “Healing and helping with all appropriate means”, 22 clinics and specialist wards with a total of 622 beds treat more than 19,000 in-patients and some 60,000 out-patients each year. Bergmannsheil and its affiliated facilities and institutes employ staff consisting of over 2,000 professionals.

Facts about Uniklinik Bergmannsheil
  • Industry : Pharma

Here you will find Berufsgenossenschaftliches Universitätsklinikum Bergmannsheil GmbH