Verband des Groß- und Außenhandels für Krankenpflege- und Laborbedarf e.V.

About VGKL

The association, respectively its predecessor, the "Working Pool for Nursing and Laboratory Supplies", was founded in 1947 and was entered into the official register of associations, society and clubs in 1950. According to its statutes the VGKL has the following object: The association wants to represent and improve the general professional and commercial interests of the wholesale and the foreign trade dealing with nursing and laboratory supplies. In order to fill this rather general object with concrete details, the association has established a number of important institutions and has launched numerous activities. During the years, new activities have been launched and old activities vanished.

Facts about VGKL
  • Industry : Laboratory equipment / supplies

Product portfolio of VGKL

Product portfolio


Here you will find Verband des Groß- und Außenhandels für Krankenpflege- und Laborbedarf e.V.